A modifier used to make someone or something seem harmless, unimportant, or inconsequential. You think little-old me could have stolen your money? Why, don't be absurd! A: "We'd prefer if Tommy didn't have any sugar." B: "Not even a little-old piece of cake? It's a birthday party, for crying out loud!"
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
little old someone or something
ordinary; harmless. (Said to downplay or minimize the importance of something.) Aw, honey, I wasn't gambling. I just went to one little old poker game. Charlie: Did you eat that whole chocolate cake that I was saving for the party? Jane: Little old me?
See also: little, old
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- little old
- once in a lifetime
- in all (one's) (born) days
- in all my born days
- in all one's born days
- long hair, don't care
- go and (do something)
- go and do something
- he, she, etc. has gone/been and done something