little girls' room

little girls' room

A public restroom reserved for girls and women. Pardon me a moment, I need to go to the little girls' room. Excuse me, miss, could you tell me where the little girls' room is?
See also: little, room
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

little girls’ room

n. the girls’ restroom; the women’s restroom. Can you please tell me where the little girls’ room is?
See also: little, room
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • little girls’ room
  • ladies' room
  • ladies’ room
  • kiss and tell
  • kiss and tell, to
  • kiss-and-tell
  • fair sex
  • the fair(er) sex
  • go out with the girls
  • scrogging
References in periodicals archive
You go to the little girls' room to find you picked the wrong one.
One lady who nipped to the little girls' room during the Marie Curie Cancer Care fund-One lady who nipped to the little girls' room during the Marie Curie Cancer Care fundraising raising dinner on Tuesday night was shocked to suddenly find herself at the mercy of Britain's top model, having her barnet whipped into shape.
One lady who nipped to the little girls' room during a Marie Curie Cancer Care fundraising dinner was shocked to find herself at the mercy of Britain's top model, having her barnet whipped into shape.
We climbed up to the third floor screen with seconds to spare, only for Abbie to notify me of her need to visit the little girls' room.
In the little girls' room, Linda has broken protocol again, with blue as the anchor for the colour scheme and only touches of girly pink.
The little girls' room has vertical pink and white stripes with a big flower print.
Readers will be happy to learn that she completed her 30-minute practice session without recourse to the little girls' room
But whenever she went to powder her nose she insisted that the little girls' room was cleared of other revellers first.
The little girls' room isn't next to the guys' lavvy in Bloody Mary's.
The trio - Abbey Clancy, Anna Ord, and Lauren Blake - were stunned when notorious Lee, who has dated a string of beautiful stars including Atomic Kitten's Liz McLarnon, pulled out his best chatup lines in the little girls' room.
9 Ask Amabile Interiors guru John is in the pink this week with pretty things for little girls' rooms,from a beaded lampshade to a bed frame and glass-fronted wardrobe.
Once the preserve of little girls' rooms, pinks are now all grown up.
It symbolises innocence and sweetness and is very often used to decorate little girls' rooms. It can also be a very bold colour if used in deeper salmon shades.
From now on, life will never be the same again in the little boys' and little girls' rooms. Big brother - or, rather, big sister - will be watching us.
SCRIMP Next Time Mermaid clock pounds 16.50 from Red Candy, Great for little girls' rooms. This red glass disc design features a turquoise mermaid bathed in red with black numerals and black hands.