

Miserly; extremely stingy. My bosses are so mingy they've started making us bring in our own coffee and tea to the office. It's just five bucks, Mike—don't be so mingy.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


mod. mean and stingy. Why can’t you borrow it? I’m just mingy, that’s all.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • mean enough to steal a penny off a dead man's eyes
  • tight wad
  • tightwad
  • closefisted
  • closefisted (with money)
  • tightfisted
  • Don’t sweat it!
  • don't sweat it
  • piker
  • penny pincher
References in periodicals archive
"I, for one," she writes, "don't trust the book trade to see us through this." She notes that the Google settlement "proposes to give a breathtakingly audacious near-monopoly to Google and mingy terms to writers." The current publishing climate in her view is "...
In a sense, Wolfe did not even belong to the mountains, in which he felt prison-pent, an exile even in his mother's house, nor did he feel that he belonged to his family--the monumental father, the mingy mother, the brood of siblings--nor really to the many cities out yonder, nor to the women in them, whom he never really understood.
With this character we recall the mingy cleric's words as he gives Lazarillo leftovers of one of his sheep's heads: "Toma, come, triunfa, que para ti es el mundo.
And while England, in the words of Robert Hughes, the critic, is "a nation always mingy in valuing its own artists", it gave space and inspiration to Freud.
Her often large canvases have been crammed into two mingy tower galleries, and there is a strange precision to the span of years covered.
I sing boys' not quite needing to shave yet, though their mothers nag about the mingy silver-blond mustache.
A Conservative MP fulminated in Parliament over this hopeless view of home being commissioned by the Ministry of Information, an attack that only proved Massingham's view of the mingy condition of his country.
Consider the snowmelt once known as Martha Stewart, another indefatigable narcissist, reduced to a puddle of cake frosting for a mingy bit of insider trading while the gnomes of Enron have (so far) gone scot-free for the biggest robbery in US history.
Mel B invited him to select his own Spice Boys and he chose Sting as Tantric Spice, George Michael as Hairy Spice, Rod Stewart as Mingy Spice and himself as Mince Spice.
I said 'Thanks for the PS4' and they all realised he was a mingy so and so!" 6.
And place, all important to Hou, poet of verdant landscapes, rural train stations, and mingy, indifferent cities, cannot transcend the history that weighs on it.
Furthermore, as Rashid Khalifa discovers after the battle, the mighty tyrant who almost sealed the Wellspring permanently is nothing but "a skinny, scrawny, snivelling, drivelling, mingy, stingy, measly, weaselly, clerkish sort of fellow" (190).
Capoeiristas are, in fact, often mingy with praise for colleagues.