HAT. I calculate you'll have got through that case of the corporation, Judge, by this time, now?
American Notes for General Circulation
"This is very serious," said Father Brown, gathering his errant
hat and umbrella and standing up; "in point of fact I was just putting your case before this gentleman, and his view--"
The Wisdom Of Father Brown
"Then, pray tell me what it is that you can infer from this
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
(on the Christmas cards), with their curly hair and natty
hats, their well-shaped legs incased in smalls, their dainty Hessian boots, their ruffling frills, their canes and dangling seals.
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Lynde and going to church with buttercups round your
hat I don't know what she'll think of you.
Anne Of Green Gables
The man with the cocked
hat breathed short, and looked long at Sam, but apparently thought it as well to say nothing, in case he should get the worst of it.
The Posthumous Papers Of The Pickwick Club
"You might have told me I was in the way in fewer words than that." She whisked round, kicked the disgraced brown
hat out into the veranda before her, and left the two gentlemen alone once more.
Man And Wife
Bumble took his
hat from a peg, and putting it on, rather rakishly, on one side, as a man might, who felt he had asserted his superiority in a becoming manner, thrust his hands into his pockets, and sauntered towards the door, with much ease and waggishness depicted in his whole appearance.
Oliver Twist Or The Parish Boys Progress
'But he shall not succeed,' cried he of the little
hat, 'I will make a frost come which shall make the fire ashamed and die out!' So he put his
hat on straight, and at once there came such a frost that all the heat disappeared and the food on the dishes began to freeze.
Yellow Fairy Book
Kit acknowledged these expressions of confidence by touching his
hat again and blushing very much.
The Old Curiosity Shop
Everyone crowded to the doors."Here he is!" said the princess, indicating Vronsky, who with his mother on his arm walked by, wearing a long overcoat and wide-brimmed black
hat. Oblonsky was walking beside him, talking eagerly of something.
Anna Karenina
But Fun See was delightfully Chinese from his junk-like shoes to the button on his pagoda
hat; for he had got himself up in style, and was a mass of silk jackets and slouchy trousers.
Eight Cousins
Datchery, taking off his
hat to give that shock of white hair of his another shake, seemed quite resigned, and betook himself whither he had been directed.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
"He must leave me to negotiate for my cardinal's
hat in my own fashion."
Twenty Years After
The telegram says 'light hair, red-checked gingham dress, and straw
hat.' That is all I know, but I think it is sufficient for your purpose."