mind the store

mind the store

To monitor a particular place or situation, usually while someone is away. Will you mind the store while I'm in this meeting?
See also: mind, store
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

mind the store

 and watch the store
Fig. to take care of local matters. Please stay here in the office and mind the store while I go to the conference. I had to stay home and watch the store when Ann went to Boston.
See also: mind, store
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

mind the store

Attend to local or family matters, as in Ask Dad for permission; he's minding the store while Mom's away. This expression transfers looking after an actual business to more general activities. [Colloquial; second half of 1900s]
See also: mind, store
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

mind the store, to

To take charge in someone’s absence. This phrase, dating from about 1920, originally meant literally taking over the business of a store when the owner was temporarily away. Later it was expanded to more general usage, as in “She’s on sabbatical leave this semester, so Professor Jones is minding the store.”
See also: mind
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • mind the store, to
  • of a mind to (do something)
  • have a mind to
  • have a mind to (do something)
  • have a mind to do
  • have a mind to do something
  • make up (one's) mind
  • make up one's mind
  • make up your mind
  • Make your mind up
References in periodicals archive
In response, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families' Mind the Store Campaign director Mike Schade issued the following statement:
It officially opened a lab in a Neighborhood Market Store , a smaller grocer concept, in Levittown, New York, that has thousands of cameras that mind the store and help keep track of items that need to be replenished.
As part of the company's efforts, Rite Aid has been engaging with Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families and its Mind the Store campaign.
We'll be here to mind the store until you and your loved ones can return safely."
While the attraction to welcoming a well-known persona to a brand has its benefits, franchisors still need to know, "Who's going to mind the store while you are off being a celebrity?"
When we thought of going out as a family for a once-in-a-blue moon occasion, the constant concern was who would mind the store: Sinong magbabantay ng tindahan?
you have to mind the store back home, and I do think he has traveled the state in an effort to get that back on track," McCaul added.
Each summer, Agnes hired one of her nieces to help mind the store. This was a good thing, as they were some cute girls!
Bottom line: constantly and consistently "mind the store." Data security is an evolving landscape and these issues must be revisited regularly over time.
Many in the creative community are wondering who's going to mind the store. A number of agents, managers and producers with whom Variety spoke expressed apprehension about setting up projects at DreamWorks at a time of uncertainty, especially knowing that as of January, Snider will not be there to oversee them.
Yes, someone needs to mind the store today, but Future Connect provides the opportunity to identify and begin working on who's going to mind it tomorrow, and the next day, as well.
I'm stepping in to mind the store. In a way, you could think of this as my editor checkride.
Horace's two clerks, Cornelius Hackl (Drew Stairs) and Barnaby Tucker (Jeff Ellis), disobey his request that they mind the store while he's gone, and take the train down to the city hoping to find romance and adventure.
"This promotion, which offers ten successful loan applicants the chance to win 100gms gold each, has been specially designed, keeping in mind the store of value that gold continues to provide in the current economic environment," he noted.- TradeArabia News Service
Much of the new stringency, indicated Lozoff, is a migration into credit unions of the higher director standards that washed across corporate America in the aftermath of the Enron and similar scandals and resulting legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley, which made unmistakable that directors have a duty to mind the store, to question management and to independently review strategies and balance sheets.