
Related to masse: masse shot, MAASE

en masse

As one unit or group. At the end of the assembly, the students moved en masse toward the gym doors.
See also: en, massé

the masses

The general population, especially the common or low-class portion thereof. Usually used to deride those seen as having unrefined tastes or intelligence. I know stupid action flicks like this are made to make money off the masses, but I just can't help but enjoy them. My father always believed religion was simply an opiate for the masses, but I've found true peace and happiness through it.
See also: masse

the opiate of the masses

That which creates a feeling of false happiness, contentment, or numbness to reality. Adapted from Karl Marx's description of organized religion. But all of this superstition is of course just the opiate of the masses, designed to make you feel better about the chaos of the world and the fear of death, while remaining in service to an organization that directly benefits from your financial contributions. All of these pieces of technology, these video games, these television shows, they are all the opiate of the masses, keeping us blind and numb to the machinations of the corporations and politicians that control everything.
See also: masse, of

the opium of the masses

That which creates a feeling of false happiness, contentment, or numbness to reality. Adapted from Karl Marx's description of organized religion. But all of this superstition is of course just the opium of the masses, designed to make you feel better about the chaos of the world and the fear of death, while remaining in service to an organization that directly benefits from your financial contributions. All of these pieces of technology, these video games, these television shows, they are all just the opium of the masses, keeping us blind and numb to the machinations of the corporations and politicians that control everything.
See also: masse, of, opium

the opium of the people

That which creates a feeling of false happiness, contentment, or numbness to reality. Adapted from Karl Marx's description of organized religion. But all of this superstition is of course just the opium of the people, designed to make you feel better about the chaos of the world and the fear of death, while remaining in service to an organization that directly benefits from your financial contributions. All of these pieces of technology, these video games, these television shows, they are all just the opium of the people, keeping us blind and numb to the machinations of the corporations and politicians that control everything.
See also: of, opium, people

the unwashed masses

The broader general public, especially those of the lower and lower-middle classes. The film didn't cause too great a stir with the unwashed masses, but it has been considered a milestone in cinematic achievement among film critics. The world of the super-rich is one that we among the unwashed masses can't even begin to understand.
See also: masse, unwashed
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

en masse

In one group or body; all together. For example, The activists marched en masse to the capitol. This French term, with exactly the same meaning, was adopted into English about 1800.
See also: en, massé

the masses

The body of common people, or people of low socioeconomic status, as in TV sitcoms are designed to appeal to the masses. This idiom is nearly always used in a snobbish context that puts down the taste, intelligence, or some other quality of the majority of people. W.S. Gilbert satirized this view in the peers' march in Iolanthe (1882), in which the lower-middle class and the masses are ordered to bow down before the peers. Prime Minister William Gladstone took a different view (Speech, 1886): "All the world over, I will back the masses against the [upper] classes." [First half of 1800s]
See also: masse
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the opium of the people


the opium of the masses

The opium of the people or the opium of the masses is something that makes a lot of people feel happy. He saw religion as the opium of the people. I see the reality show as the new opium of the masses. Note: This phrase was used by Karl Marx to describe religion.
See also: of, opium, people
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

the opium of the people (or masses)

something regarded as inducing a false and unrealistic sense of contentment among people.
This idiom is a translation of the German phrase Opium des Volks, used by Karl Marx in 1844 in reference to religion.
See also: of, opium, people
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • en
  • en masse
  • gym shoe
  • sock hop
  • the pointy end
  • pointy end
  • go one-on-one with (someone)
  • be (all) for (someone or something)
  • be all for something/for doing something
  • be for it
References in periodicals archive
Passant au chapitre relatif a l'inflation, le gouverneur de la banque d'Algerie a fait savoir que le taux a connu des courbes fluctueuse avec des hausses soutenues jusqu'au mois de mars atteignant les 7,07% mais eu egard a l'augmentation peu importante de la masse monetaire et la stabilite des prix des produits de large consommation, entre autres, le taux a recule a la fin de l'annee 2017 pour se situer sur la barre de 5,6%.
L'echographie abdominale a indique la presence d'une enorme masse tissulaire mesurant 25 cm de grand axe aux depens du rein droit.
"The individuals en masse, without their clothing, grouped together metamorphose into a new shape.
Despite Tuttle's eye for detail, he never loses sight of the whole: Seen en masse, these works combine to explore the nature of lines, both narrative and graphic.
Though I can't pinpoint a date on a calendar, it was the day that women en masse began to have sex before marriage.
Seniors are choosing the bright lights of Broadway over the sun-kissed beaches of the south, and are entering the market en masse. Active and vital, these seniors are looking for alternatives to traditional nursing homes.
Disparate species survived together through millions of years of environmental change and then disappeared en masse during particularly abrupt upheavals.
But not because he thinks members of Congress are prepared to jettison turf protection en masse in recognition of the advantages of free, private markets.
La direction de la Protection civile de Medea vient de lancer la phase d'inscription de la 4e session annuelle de formation en secouriste de masse, prevue debut novembre prochain, a-t-on appris aupres du charge de la communication, le lieutenant Karim Benfahsi.
Summary: Pour la premiere fois apres la chute de l'ancien regime corrompu, les Egyptiens ont vote en masse aux premieres legislatives libres dont la premiere etape s'est ouverte hier lundi dans neuf des 27 gouvernorats du pays.
Burgin's work has rarely been visible en masse. This retrospective should do much to clarify the artist's substantial contribution to critical theory and practice over the last thirty years.