Hence the applause was by no means general when the herald-at-arms proclaimed, after a flourish of trumpets, the names and styles of the knights who were prepared, for the honor of their country and for the love of their ladies, to hold the field against all who might do them the favor to run a course with them.
As the prince spoke, amid a loud flourish of trumpets and the shouting of the Gascon party, the last of the assailants rode gallantly into the lists.
The White Company
Shortly after was heard a loud
flourish of trumpets; cries arose in the distance, a confused buzzing filled the lower part of the city, and the first distinct sound that struck the ears of the stranger was the tramp of advancing horses.
Ten Years Later
Helen Della Delmar (proclaimed with a
flourish of trumpets and rolling of tomtoms to be the greatest woman poet in the United States) denied Brissenden a seat beside her on Pegasus and wrote voluminous letters to the public, proving that he was no poet.
Martin Eden
Solemn friends will warn them of the danger of the head's being turned by the
flourish of trumpets, but they can afford to smile.
Essays Second Series
flourish of trumpets was sounded as the King and Queen appeared on the balcony to crowds gathered on Exchange Flags.
Day in the reign
With a
flourish of trumpets Mr Barber announces 6d in the pound off income tax then proceeds to wipe a smile off our faces by putting a giant levy on the health service.
Got the Government that you deserve; LETTER FROM THE PAST
Mehmet Ali Agca (who killed journalist Abdi Ipekci in 1979 and also shot and wounded late Pope John Paul II) was released after 30 years in prison, and he was welcomed with a
flourish of trumpets in front of the prison building.
The gifts are presented with a flourish and one almost expects to hear a
flourish of trumpets to announce the unveiling of these most precious gifts.
There's always a but ..
Launched with a
flourish of trumpets in Paris last 13 July, in front of an audience of 43 heads of state, it has stumbled on persistent political problems.
What Future for Sarkozy's Mediterranean Union?
With a
flourish of trumpets, a horseman enters, his mount blindfolded and protected by thick padding.
Furby's Gospel: Bullfighting is a bloody shame
No other nation in the world puts so much faith in emotional well-being and self-help techniques." Happiness has become an obsession, and "the therapeutic gospel" preaches that "the psychological problems that underlie our failures and unhappiness are in fact treatable and that we can, indeed should, address these problems both individually and as a society."
Flourish of trumpets; enter Oprah Winfrey and Ricki Lake.
IN THERAPY WE TRUST: America's Obsession with Self-Fulfillment
And perhaps most significant was the creation of a labor market, which eventually forced at least one urgent why question on everyone: "Why get my daily bread in this way rather than some other?" The result of these various but related historical developments was (here, a slight
flourish of trumpets) the birth of the individual.
Moral Freedom: The Search for Virtue in a World of Choice
When the 79-year-old pontiff, clad in white robes, stepped on the red-carpeted tarmac he was greeted by a
flourish of trumpets from an Israeli honor guard.
John Paul Lands at Ben-Gurion Airport
She paraphrased thus: 'Courts and cities may well be hypocritical when, on the field of battle, the
flourish of trumpets sounds in flattery.
Ovator and parasite: Coriolanus, I.ix.41-6