get rid of

get rid of (someone or something)

To discard, eliminate, or become free from something or someone. We finally got rid of your younger brother, he's so annoying! Would you please get rid of that filthy couch already?
See also: get, of, rid
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

get rid of

Also, be rid of. Eliminate, discard, or free oneself from. For example, It's time we got rid of these old newspapers, or He kept calling for months, but now we're finally rid of him. The first expression dates from the mid-1600s, the second from the 1400s. Also see get out of, def. 5.
See also: get, of, rid
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

get ˈrid of somebody/something

make yourself free of somebody/something that is annoying you or that you do not want; throw something away: Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. I can’t get rid of this headache. We got rid of all the old furniture.
See also: get, of, rid, somebody, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

get rid of

To rid oneself of (something); discard or get free of: Let's get rid of that broken chair.
See also: get, of, rid
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • get rid of (someone or something)
  • get rid of somebody/something
  • ti
  • be rid of somebody/something
  • dispose of
  • dispose of (someone or something)
  • dispose of someone
  • disposed
  • shake a disease or illness off
  • overboard
References in periodicals archive
Mr Mugglestone, a manager at an Internet company, has also decided to get rid of his 1997 BMW M3, valued at pounds 43,000, and is thinking about replacing it with a Longbridge-built MGF.
pylori are developed, says Graham, "we should get rid of every case."
Actually, the cheapest way to get rid of it is to buy a composter as once you have paid for it - they cost about PS23 - which equates to a year's green waste collection - after that it doesn't cost you a penny.
He might not want to go to a salon, so you could offer to get rid of it for him - hair-removing cream is the least painful option.
Jackie Gilbert decided to get rid of all the clutter in her office after realizing just how the professional paraphernalia was not helping her advance in her profession or her life.
So before pumping in grease, use lubricant cleaner and MEK to get rid of old grease.
Change the badge, get rid of the phoenix & then wen we rise maybe bring it bak by vote only 2 tru sky blu fans, all we hav left is our badge.
I'd seriously maim them for a few years - at least one leg each would have to come off - then I'd get rid of them.
"You need specific traces of [p27 and other] proteins, but you also need to get rid of them fast."
I telephoned her and she asked me to come round and get rid of him.
If washing doesn't get rid of the smell, then replace the parka or trousers.
In a separate report in the March 4 NATURE, he and Duke biochemist Irwin Fridovich propose that if the enzyme is missing or not working properly, then free radicals typically generated during nerve-ceil activity may build up and slowly destroy neUrons Thus, the finding suggests that therapies to get rid of free radicals may slow the progression of this disease, he adds.
These two features get rid of a lot of free parameters.