As Tarzan tore the flesh from that portion of the kill he had retained for himself his eyes were taking in each detail of the scene below.
Once he turned a searching gaze upon the ape-man for a moment and then returned to the flesh of Bara.
Tarzan the Untamed
This tribe of Indians, who are represented as a proud-spirited race, and uncommonly cleanly, never eat horses or dogs, nor would they permit the raw flesh of either to be brought into their huts.
At one place the natives had just returned from hunting, and had brought back a large quantity of elk and deer meat, but asked so high a price for it as to be beyond the funds of the travellers, so they had to content themselves with dog's flesh. They had by this time, however, come to consider it very choice food, superior to horse flesh, and the minutes of the expedition speak rather exultingly now and then, of their having made a famous "repast," where this viand happened to be unusually plenty.
Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountain
He had eaten heartily again--this time from the flesh of Bara, the deer, who had fallen prey to his quick noose.
The ape-man had acted so quickly that he had been unable to prepare himself to withstand the strain and shock of Numa's great weight upon the rope, and so it was that though the rope stopped the beast before his mighty talons could fasten themselves in the flesh of the black, the strain overbalanced Tarzan, who came tumbling to the ground not six paces from the infuriated animal.
A dozen paces he had gone when Tarzan's rope brought him to a stand once more--then he wheeled again upon the ape-man, only to feel the painful prick of a barbed arrow as it sank half its length in his quivering flesh. Again he stopped, and by this time Tarzan had run twice around the stem of a great tree with his rope, and made the end fast.
The Return of Tarzan
The rykors are but brainless flesh. They neither see, nor feel, nor hear.
You are the slave of a mass of stupid flesh and bone and blood.
The Chessmen of Mars
"The best plan will be for them not to run," said another, "so that neither the thin man break down under the weight, nor the fat one strip himself of his
flesh; let half the wager be spent in wine, and let's take these gentlemen to the tavern where there's the best, and
Don Quixote
His eyes are more beautiful than the jewels of the Pectoral, and his flesh is like the honey of Hebron."
"Now El Emanu!" slowly and with upturned eyes ejaculated the trio, as, letting go their hold, the emancipated porker tumbled headlong among the Philistines, "El Emanu!-God be with us it is the unutterable flesh!"
It is one of the tropical fruits under the cactus family, Cactaceae.The fruit types are categorised as Hylocereus undatus, which has white
flesh with red skin, Hylocereus polyrhizus that has red
flesh with red skin, Hylocereus costaricencis with violet red
flesh and red skin and Selenicerus megalanthus that has white
flesh with yellow skin.
Dragon fruit is the super crop missing from our farms
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 16, 2019-Ennis to Acquire
Flesh Company, Impressions Direct in Stock Transaction
Ennis to Acquire Flesh Company, Impressions Direct in Stock Transaction
Ennis has signed a Share Purchase Agreement to acquire all the outstanding stock of The
Flesh Company and its wholly owned subsidiary, Impressions Direct.
Ennis to acquire The Flesh Company and Impressions Direct subsidiary