first impression

first impression

The initial, introductory evaluation upon meeting a person, encountering something, or experiencing a situation for the first time. I had a bad first impression of the job when, on my very first day, the boss humiliated me in front of everyone in the office. I didn't have a great first impression of Steve, but we ended up becoming very close friends.
See also: first, impression
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be the first (person) to (do something)
  • be first out of the box
  • first in, best dressed
  • first refusal
  • refusal
  • give (someone) the first crack at (something)
  • have (the) first crack at (something)
  • get the first crack at (something)
  • first crack at
  • at first
References in classic literature
The former to take good times, when first to relate to a man an angry business; for the first impression is much; and the other is, to sever, as much as may be, the construction of the injury from the point of contempt; imputing it to misunderstanding, fear, passion, or what you will.
When Pierre saw his neighbor next morning at dawn the first impression of him, as of something round, was fully confirmed: Platon's whole figure- in a French overcoat girdled with a cord, a soldier's cap, and bast shoes- was round.
Your first impression is that the end of the world has come; and then you think that this cannot be, and that it is thieves and murderers, or else fire, and this opinion you express in the usual method.
"I attended two lecture courses under him, and I have known him for two years; that is why I am anxious for your first impression."
Is it necessary to say what my first impression was when I looked at my visitor's card?
He began to doubt whether he had been wise in acting on his first impression. His mind reverted to the commonplace patients and the discoverable maladies that were waiting for him, with a certain tender regret.
The first impression produced by her face was an impression of bones.
The first impression which the place produced on my mind suggested, on the contrary, that the boy's answers to my questions had led me astray.
The prince would never so much as suspect such a thing in the delight of his first impression.
I told you in my last about my farewell to England, my crossing the Channel, and my first impressions of Paris.
"All look your best," Peter warned them; "first impressions are awfully important."
At first impressions of the snow-storm, the sledge-shafts, and the horse with the shaft-bow shaking before his eyes, kept passing through his mind, then he remembered Nikita lying under him, then recollections of the festival, his wife, the police-officer, and the box of candles, began to mingle with these; then again Nikita, this time lying under that box, then the peasants, customers and traders, and the white walls of his house with its iron roof with Nikita lying underneath, presented themselves to his imagination.
I cannot call to mind, now, how I came to hear about Yorkshire schools when I was a not very robust child, sitting in bye-places near Rochester Castle, with a head full of PARTRIDGE, STRAP, TOM PIPES, and SANCHO PANZA; but I know that my first impressions of them were picked up at that time, and that they were somehow or other connected with a suppurated abscess that some boy had come home with, in consequence of his Yorkshire guide, philosopher, and friend, having ripped it open with an inky pen-knife.
My first impressions of the gentle, dignified, and yet genial old man were entirely favourable: and the real satisfaction that showed itself on his daughter's face, as she met me with the words "this is indeed an unlooked-for pleasure!", was very soothing for whatever remains of personal vanity the failures and disappointments of many long years, and much buffeting with a rough world, had left in me.
Be that as it may, the author was brought an infant into this valley, and all his first impressions were here obtained.