keep sight of somebody/something

keep sight of (someone or something)

1. To position oneself to be able to see someone or something. Keep sight of the thief while I call the police.
2. To remember or remind oneself of something. If you don't keep sight of your goal, you'll give up before you can ever achieve it.
See also: keep, of, sight
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

keep sight of someone or something

to keep someone or something in view. Try to keep sight of the skier. I want to keep sight of the children at all times.
See also: keep, of, sight
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

keep sight of somebody/something


keep somebody/something in sight

1 stay in a position where you can see somebody/something: If you keep the tower in sight, you won’t get lost.
2 remain aware of something; not forget something: It’s important to keep sight of the fact that you have a small chance of winning.
See also: keep, of, sight, somebody, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • keep (someone or something) in sight
  • keep in sight
  • keep sight of
  • keep sight of (someone or something)
  • for (one's) (own) sake
  • for sake
  • wash (one's) hands of (someone or something)
  • wash your hands of
  • wash your hands of somebody/something
  • wash your hands of something/someone