The video was recorded from another car whose passenger noticed the woman and
honked to gain the taxi driver's attention.
Video shows husband pinning wife to windshield
Or, you go into the right-hand lane of slip road, and try and get into the middle (straight on) lane at next set, so that you're on the left at the next bit - only to get
honked at by drivers who came up on the left lane of the slip road.
Road confusion: Who knows which lane to use? Letters
Warren's four brothers and sisters were all Siamese seal point white kittens with musical mews, while Warren was more of a sandy colored Siamese, with fluffy fur, and instead of mewing, Warren
honked. Bernice and Bernard, both his parents did not know what to think of him, but when Warren was feeling different, left out, and lonely, his mother cheered him by telling him that things would improve, and he would be very important someday.
Warren the Honking Cat Saves the Day
Two teenagers got mauled by an angry mob in Quezon City late Thursday night, after the taxi driver they allegedly robbed repeatedly
honked the horn to alert bystanders and prevent the suspects' escape.
QC mob mauls 2 teenage robbery suspects, killing 1
He said he
honked his horn - an act he alleged prompted Lord Maginnis to get out of his vehicle and march back to confront him through the wound down window.
Peer is guilty of road rage assault
However, recently I was abused, assaulted and threatened with a "complaint to the police and we will track you and kill you" - all because I
honked as a car was blocking my way, with its hazard lights on, on Exhibition Road.
Chilling experience
In my day, we went outdoors after dessert and ran off our dinner and when it was dark, were allowed back in the house, and we flopped down on the floor and listened to Uncle Lew tell about the night their house burned down in Charles City, Iowa, and afterward watched oThe Bell Telephone Houro on television with Robert Merrill and Patrice Munsel singing oDear Hearts and Gentle People,o and then a horn
honked in the driveway and my sister came down from upstairs where sheAEd been primping in the bathroom and Mother said, oTell him he has to come inside and pick you up, he canAEt sit in the car and honk.o And so the boy came in.
Celebration of Simple Goodness
He predicts who is most likely to be in an accident, honk at another driver, and to be
honked at by another driver; what types of cars are most likely to be involved in accidents; and when and where accidents will likely happen and whether the drivers are likely to suffer injuries.
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)