
impregnate (something) with (something)

To saturate or infuse something with a particular liquid. Impregnate the cloth with the solution and then apply it to the screen.
See also: impregnate
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

impregnate something with something

1. Lit. to saturate something with something; to penetrate something with some fluid. They impregnated the boards with a wood preservative. The process impregnated the fibers with a bright yellow dye.
2. Fig. to put something negative into something. You have impregnated the entire matter with unpleasantness. The whole scheme has been impregnated with needless flaws.
See also: impregnate
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • impregnate (something) with (something)
  • impregnate with
  • knock up
  • knocked up
  • drench with (something)
  • submerge
  • submerge (someone or something) in (something)
  • submerge in
  • submerged
  • suffuse with
References in periodicals archive
However, your cousin at age 16, has the ability to impregnate a lady.
These studies suggest the potential for resistance against the antimicrobial agents used to impregnate these catheters as their clinical use becomes more widespread.
It can impregnate webs up to 3 cm thick and 1.2 m wide.
One approach to solving the problem of how to impregnate rovings and mats with a high-viscosity thermoplastic melt is to start with low-viscosity precursors that chemically react in-situ to yield a high-molecular-weight polymer composite.
Though he is waiting for his own death and trying to bring his supposedly cursed family line to an end, he impregnates two young women.