hit the sack

Related to hit the sack: hit the hay

hit the sack

To get into bed and go to sleep. I have to get up early for work tomorrow, so I think I'd better hit the sack.
See also: hit, sack
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hit the sack


hit the hay

If someone hits the sack, they go to bed. We were tired, so we only half-unpacked the car and then hit the sack. Do you want me to take you up to your bed? Are you ready to hit the hay? Note: In the past, people sometimes used sacks and hay as bedding.
See also: hit, sack
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

hit the sack

go to bed. informal
See also: hit, sack
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

hit the ˈsack/ˈhay

(informal) go to bed: I think it’s time to hit the sack. Sack and hay both refer to simple beds. In the past a bed was often just a sack or piece of rough cloth with hay inside. Sailors in the navy also slept in hammocks (= a type of bed hung between two posts, etc.) similar to sacks.
See also: hay, hit, sack
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

hit the sack

See hit the hay
See also: hit, sack
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

hit the hay/sack, to

Go to bed, go to sleep. The first expression dates from about 1900 and presumably alludes to a hayloft as a soft bed. A sports book of 1905 held it to be baseball players’ slang. The second term dates from World War II, although sack for “bed” originated in the U.S. Navy in the 1820s.
See also: hay, hit
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • hit the hay
  • hit the hay/sack, to
  • hit the sack/hay
  • hit the books
  • hit out for (some place)
  • hit it with (one)
  • hit it with someone
  • hit the trail
  • hit with (something)
  • hit the
References in periodicals archive
If you get an extra hour-and-a-half of sleep, you'll prob-Scientists discovered people who averaged five-and-a-half hours' sleep munched 220 more daily calories - mostly in the form of snacks - than those who hit the sack early and slept for about eight-and-a-half hours.
He goes on to confess that when work gets too taxing he prefers to hit the sack instead of slaving over his self- set regime.
or later, and 3% regularly hit the sack before 8 p.m.
Amuse bouche, pre-dessert and homemade petit fours with coffee added extra indulgence to the evening, and we certainly hit the sack with very happy tummies.
Dragged myself to Stratford Tudor Day, had a slow wander around the attractions then found a nice shady bench, chilled and watched the archery and falconry, but I am afraid my sickness got the better of me and I had to admit defeat, come home and hit the sack.
In an attempt to solve my own sleep problems, I've actually resorted to purchasing a sleeping aid, which plays comforting noises for when I hit the sack.
Parker then introduced Brown to her friend Elizabeth Rodriguez, a 26-year-old sex-toy saleswoman, and the three women would occasionally hit the sack. Says Parker, "I had only had sex with a woman once before ...
Knocking on 60, the best thing Alice can do is hit the sack and find himself a nice golf course in the morning.
If you don't want your self-esteem to be damaged you had better unplug the television, hit the sack early and study well in my class.
You're padding around in your slippers getting ready to hit the sack and wonder ...
(Think of that karaoke scene in Chasing Amy when Ben Affleck thinks that Joey Lauren Adams is singing to him, only to have sexy Carmen Lee join her onstage for a hot kiss.) The upside is that even if we can't all hit the sack together, we can still enjoy all the sights.
Before we hit the sack, we had a chance to watch our fixed-wing brethren bag a round of night traps.
From the moment I stumbled out of bed at seven AM to get the kids ready for school until the time I finally hit the sack again at about one AM, my day was crammed to the fullest with work and family commitments.
Summary: London [U.K.], Nov 21 (ANI): Attention people, if you have a low sexual desire then here are some breakfast foods that may help you hit the sack as what we eat has a major influence on our sex drive.
Never hit the sack without cleansing your face of makeup and accumulated dirt because they cause whiteheads and blackheads.