(someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
Someone would be better off not doing something or acting a certain way because it is or may become destructive, counterproductive, futile, or undesirable. Mark keeps antagonizing the boss with little snarky quips—he just doesn't know when to quit! My wife keeps spending our money on clothes she doesn't even wear. She doesn't know when to quit! That's the third time you've berated me for not taking out the garbage. You just don't know when to quit, do you?
See also: know, quit
church ain't out till they quit singing
Something is not over yet. Yes, we've had some setbacks this season, but that's no excuse to give up. Church ain't out till they quit singing!
See also: church, out, quit, singe, till
don't quit the day job
cliché Don't leave your current employment in order to pursue some other ambition, because the odds of that succeeding are slim. Said especially to someone engaging in some activity as an amateur. A video of the famous actor singing a cringeworthy rendition of "Danny Boy" has gone viral online. Don't quit the day job, pal! A: "So, what did you think of my new joke? I was going to use it in my act at the comedy club tonight." B: "Yeah, um… maybe don't quit the day job, kid."
See also: job, quit
don't quit trying
Persist in your attempts to do something; don't give up. Don't quit trying—you'll figure it out eventually. That almost sounds like a recognizable song now. Come on, don't quit trying!
See also: quit, trying
don't quit your day job
cliché Don't leave your current employment in order to pursue some other ambition, because the odds of that succeeding are slim. Said especially to someone engaging in some activity as an amateur. A video of the famous actor singing a cringeworthy rendition of "Danny Boy" has gone viral online. Don't quit your the day job, pal! A: "So, what did you think of my new joke? I was going to use it in my act at the comedy club tonight." B: "Yeah, um… maybe don't quit your day job, kid."
See also: job, quit
keep trying
To continue putting forth effort to succeed at some task, activity, endeavor, etc. Often used as a phrase of encouragement. I kept trying, but I just couldn't get the formula to work the right way. I know you're disheartened, but keep trying! You'll never succeed if you give up now!
See also: keep, trying
quit (one's) bellyaching
To stop griping or complaining. Often said as an order. A: "But I don't like broccoli!" B: "Just quit your bellyaching and eat it!" If the kids don't quit their bellyaching soon, I'm going to turn this car around and take us right back home.
See also: bellyache, quit
quit (some place)
To depart from some place. If you think you can just quit this town and walk away from your debts, you've got another think coming. I've had enough of your sass—I'm quitting this place for good!
See also: quit
quit (something) cold turkey
To stop doing something abruptly. The phrase is most often used to describe the sudden cessation of a drug. After smoking for so long, I should have never tried to quit cold turkey—the withdrawal symptoms are unbearable. I'm so impressed that you quit gambling cold turkey!
See also: cold, quit, turkey
quit on (one)
1. To stop functioning, either properly at all, especially while one is in the middle of using it. I can't believe this crappy old computer quit on me when I was halfway through my term paper! I've been looking for a new lawnmower ever since our old one quit out on us last week.
2. To stop helping, supporting, or assisting one in some endeavor. A lot of my friends quit on me after I had my baby because they couldn't appreciate how much my priorities had changed. Sam is a bright kid, but he needs a lot of encouragement. If you quit on him, he'll quit caring too.
3. To give up; to stop putting in the required effort. No, no, you can't stop moving now, we're nearly at the camp. Don't you quit on me now!
4. To quit or resign from one's job, especially very suddenly or unexpectedly. Nearly a third of my team has quit on me over the last six months—at this rate, we won't have enough staff to finish even one of our projects by Christmas! I don't want to just quit on them, but every day I stay in that job feels like torture.
See also: on, quit
quit over (someone or something)
To quit or resign from one's place of employment. Although he didn't say it, it's pretty clear that Tom quit over the lingering suspicions surrounding him. I can't believe you quit over some bozo who was being mean to you.
See also: over, quit
quit the funny stuff
To stop joking or fooling around and be serious. (Said as an imperative.) The boss told us to quit the funny stuff and get ready for the meeting. All right kids, quit the funny stuff and open your books to page 53.
See also: funny, quit, stuff
quit while (one) is ahead
To cease, end, or give up (doing) something in which one has found some amount of success, especially so as not to risk spoiling or reversing that success. Look, that's good enough for what we need, so let's just quit while we're ahead. If we monkey around with the settings too much, we could screw the whole thing up. As soon as I made a bit of a profit playing poker, I decided to quit while I was ahead—no sense ending the night worse off than I began. I appreciate your compliment, but you should quit while you're ahead, because you're starting to veer off into creepy territory.
See also: ahead, quit, while
quit while the going is good
To cease, end, or give up (doing) something before it becomes too difficult or the consequences become too severe. There are some reports that the market is about to take a dive, so I reckon we should quit while the going's good. Listen, kid, there's no way you can win this fight, so why don't you quit while the going is good?
See also: going, good, quit, while
some people (just) don't know when to quit
Said of someone who continues to engage in some action or activity after they have no hope of succeeding or are making things worse for themselves. A: "She keeps throwing money away on these failing investments. It's like she can't understand that they're never going to perform the way she wants." A: "Yeah, some people don't know when to quit." I told him to stop arguing with the boss like that, or he was going to get into even more trouble. Some people just don't know when to quit.
See also: know, people, quit
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
Church ain't out till they quit singing.
Rur. things have not yet reached the end. Charlie: No way our team can win now. Mary: Church ain't out till they quit singing. There's another inning to go.
See also: church, out, quit, singe, till
Keep (on) trying.
and Don't quit trying.Fig. a phrase encouraging continued efforts. Jane: I think I'm doing better in calculus. John: Keep trying! You can get an A. Sue: I really want that promotion, but I keep getting turned down. Bill: Don't quit trying! You'll get it.
See also: keep, trying
quit a place
to leave a place. In the autumn, Melinda quit Paris and traveled south to warmer climes.
See also: place, quit
quit on someone
1. [for something] to quit while someone is using it. This stupid car quit on me. I hope this thing doesn't quit on me.
2. [for one] to leave one's job, usually suddenly or unannounced. Wally, the park supervisor, quit on us at the last minute. My assistant quit on me.
See also: on, quit
quit over someone or something
to stop working or doing something because of someone or something; to quit because of a dispute over someone or something. Please don't quit over a silly thing like that. She quit over one of her fellow workers.
See also: over, quit
quit while one is ahead
to stop doing something while one is still successful. When will I learn to quit while I'm ahead? Get into the market. Make some money and get out. Quit while you're ahead.
See also: ahead, one, quit, while
some people (just) don't know when to quit
and some people (just) don't know when to give up; some people (just) don't know when to stop1. You, or someone being talked about, should stop doing something, such as talking, arguing, scolding, etc. (often directed toward the person being addressed.) Bill: I hate to say it again, but that lipstick is all wrong for you. It brings out the wrong color in your eyes, and it makes your mouth larger than it really is. Jane: Oh, stop, stop! That's enough! Some people just don't know when to quit. John: Those bushes out in the backyard need trimming. Sally: You keep criticizing! Is there no end to it? Some people don't know when to stop!
2. Some people do not know when to slow down and stop working so hard. Jane: He just kept on gambling. Finally, he had no money left. Sally: Some people don't know when to quit.
See also: know, people, quit
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
quit while one's ahead
Don't try to improve on something that is already accomplished, as in Those drapes we hung are even enough-let's quit while we're ahead. This idiom also implies that further action runs the risk of spoiling something. Also see leave well enough alone.
See also: ahead, quit, while
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
quit on
1. To stop helping or working with someone, especially when the support or assistance is needed: My friends quit on me when I really needed them.
2. To stop functioning properly for someone; give out on someone: The car's battery quit on us when we were a mile from the city. My knee quit on me in the last mile of the marathon.
See also: on, quit
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
quit while one is ahead
in. to stop doing something while one is successful. Get into the market. Make some money and get out. Quit while you’re ahead.
See also: ahead, one, quit, while
Quit your bellyaching!
imperative Stop complaining! You’ve been bitching all day! Quit your bellyaching!
See also: quit
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- (someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
- leave (someone, something, or oneself) (wide) open to (something)
- leave open
- leave yourself wide open to something
- turn (one's) head
- turn head
- turn one's head
- turn somebody's head
- turn someone's head
- creep on (someone or something)