
  • be in the driving seat
  • drive (one) (a)round the bend
  • drive (one) batty
  • drive (one) bonkers
  • drive (one) insane
  • drive (one) nuts
  • drive (one) out of (one's) mind
  • drive (one) out of (one's) wits
  • drive (one) round the twist
  • drive (one) to (do something)
  • drive (one) to distraction
  • drive (one) to drink
  • drive (one) to the brink
  • drive (one) to the edge
  • drive (one) up the wall
  • drive (one's) pigs to market
  • drive (oneself) into the ground
  • drive (something) into the ground
  • drive a coach and horses through (something)
  • drive a hard bargain
  • drive a/the/(something's) price down
  • drive a/the/(something's) price up
  • drive around
  • drive at (someone or something)
  • drive away
  • drive back
  • drive between
  • drive down
  • drive down a/the/(something's) price
  • drive home
  • drive in(to)
  • drive into a corner
  • drive off
  • drive on
  • drive out
  • drive over
  • drive the big bus
  • drive the porcelain bus
  • drive through
  • drive up
  • drive up to (some place or thing)
  • driving force
  • driving force behind (something)
  • in the driving seat
  • serve as the driving force
  • serve as the driving force (behind someone or something)
  • the driving force
  • wardriving
  • what (one) is driving at
  • What are you driving at?
  • What is (one) driving at?
  • what somebody is driving at
  • what someone is driving at
References in periodicals archive
"We told them that, without a catalyst, the first 30 seconds of cold-start driving blew through the proposed hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide standards, even with the EMT," says Gelb.
Notifying someone of your travel route and having your car checked and tuned should also top your pre-drive checklist, advises Gregg Laskoski, a spokesman for AAA (www.aaa.com), which provides a variety of free online trip tools such as weather updates and help applying for international driving permits.
* Simplicity--the motor is mounted directly onto the driving machine shaft without any need for foundation and/or alignments.
Sobriety checkpoints have existed for several years and have served as a deterrent to drunk driving across many communities.
Cell phones are just part of the problem; motorists also divert their attention from the road to change radio stations and compact discs, use onboard navigational systems and electric razors, and operate wireless laptop computers while driving.
What if you are unable to force your opponent's head to the mat by driving your forehead down?
You should also analyze the kind of driving you will be doing.
The complexity of issues involved with driving after brain injury has led to the development of two theoretical frameworks related to driving.
Driving an automobile is a complex task, requiring skills such as judgement about distance and speed, application of controlled force to brakes or an accelerator, negotiation of roadway turns, and the avoidance of hazards.
Almost half regularly got lost while driving, and three-quarters consistently drove below the speed limit.
Most car manufacturers provide a list of their auto shows and driving opportunities online.
As demand for all-wheel-drive continues to grow--Ford claims that consumer awareness of trends in the luxury and SUV markets is driving the desire down through the ranks--one of the greatest restrictions facing automakers is space.
Today's massive capacity hard drives and stringent data availability requirements are driving the need for more robust data protection and failure resiliency.
The OS and driving software applications also need to send asynchronous I/O commands to the storage device to take advantage of NCQ.