

Describing the ways in which systems of societal power (such as race, class, and gender) are interrelated and have a complex impact on marginalized members of society. We can't ignore the intersectional nature of discrimination against black women.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • intersectionality
  • pink money
  • of great moment
  • of moment
  • prepper
  • the pink dollar
  • the pink pound
  • can't help
  • can't help (doing something)
  • can't help something
References in periodicals archive
Scholarly citations have implications for tenure, the credibility of intersectional work by and about women of color, and effecting social justice.
It's not enough to share the intersectional progressives' goals relating to a specific issue: One must also support their tactics, know their language intuitively, defer to the wisdom of the oppressed without either speaking on their behalf or expecting them to speak for themselves, and commit to every other interrelated cause.
His argument that "Jewish issues do belong in the intersectional justice movement," is of course correct.
The experience of LGBTQ people of color in this study illustrates the unique and complex experience of intersectional identities (Meyer, 2012).
(83) The facts around Alabama's Act 2016-18 and the NAACP's legal challenge of Act 2016-18 also highlight a deficiency in the doctrine with regard to intersectional harms.
The intersectional framework rests on three central tenets: multiple systems of social stratification; interlocking systems of oppression and domination; and standpoint epistemology.
We argue that an intersectional feminist approach to forced migration questions the reliance of asylum decisions (as well as the whole asylum infrastructure) on the construction of deserving and undeserving victims of violence--a juridical distinction that naturalizes certain forms of violence that are inherent in racial capitalism and hetero-patriarchy and leave unchallenged the power of nation-states to arbitrarily deny movement across national borders.
Searching for the first documented reference to intersectional claims, Sojourner Truth, is generally agreed to be the first recorded evidence of a contestative gender.
The Great Books curriculum is the historical and pedagogical backbone of many honors programs, yet it has significant limitations in opening doors to underrepresented populations I had always strived to make my honors classroom a space for intersectional learning and, with each passing year, have constructed a set of pedagogical tools that encourage students to hear voices in the texts that otherwise might be silenced.
As the subtitle attests, the Contemporary Representations of New Sexualities and Gender Identities studied by the different authors are proof of the intersectional and post-positivist nature of current identities.
The project takes full form not in the critique, however, but instead in the corrective Carastathis offers, which ranges from a careful explication of Crenshaw's thought to an exploration of the political possibilities created by an invigorated intersectional approach.
As they seek to find a place in and/or confront the contemporary populist Zeitgeist, feminists supporting intersectional justice-claims face very real, destabilising and contradictory challenges.
The feminist website praises Hot Docs as 'one of our favorite times of the year' because 'we get to learn about different cultures and movements through film.' The group also hails the event as 'probably the most intersectional film festival in Toronto.'
Many of the talent wore the color blue and "&" pins for GLAAD's Together campaign, representing GLAAD's work on intersectional issues including immigration, racial justice, women's rights and LGBTQ acceptance.
This special issue approaches dress codes, both implicit and explicit, as a space for embodied, intersectional work--for the way that individuals approach rules about appropriate dress reveals a deeply connected constellation of identity categories: race, class, gender, size, age, etc.