behind its time

behind its time

1. Out of date, antiquated, or obsolete. Your pocket watch looks charming, but it's a little behind its time.
2. Falling behind more recent advances (e.g., in one's field of work or study). Many consider his essay on genetics to be rather behind its time.
3. Late; behind schedule. The train is really behind its time.
See also: behind, time
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • run behind
  • on (one's) six
  • on your six
  • fall behind
  • behind you!
  • drop behind
  • trail behind
  • get behind
  • get behind someone/something
  • get behind something
References in classic literature
While incidents like these, arising out of drums and masquerades and parties at quadrille, were passing at the west end of the town, heavy stagecoaches and scarce heavier waggons were lumbering slowly towards the city, the coachmen, guard, and passengers, armed to the teeth, and the coach--a day or so perhaps behind its time, but that was nothing--despoiled by highwaymen; who made no scruple to attack, alone and single-handed, a whole caravan of goods and men, and sometimes shot a passenger or two, and were sometimes shot themselves, as the case might be.
This coach is rather behind its time to-day, I guess.