hide nor hair

hide (n)or hair

No sign or sight of something or someone. I haven't seen hide nor hair of our neighbor in weeks—I hope he's OK! Can you go check outside for the cat? I haven't seen hide or hair of her in hours.
See also: hair, hide
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*(neither) hide nor hair

Cliché no sign or indication of someone or something. (*Typically: find ~; see ~.) We could find neither hide nor hair of him. I don't know where he is. There has been no one here. We found neither hide nor hair.
See also: hair, hide, nor
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

hide nor hair

A trace; a vestige: haven't seen hide nor hair of them since the argument.
See also: hair, hide, nor
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

neither hide nor hair

Nothing; no part of something. The term, which dates from Chaucer’s time, alludes to the fact that the outside of an animal is made up of hide and hair, which therefore constitute its entirety. The negative version, nearly always meaning that something or someone cannot be seen or found, became common in the mid-nineteenth century. “I haven’t seen hide nor hair of the piece,” wrote Josiah G. Holland (The Bay-Path, 1857).
See also: hair, hide, neither, nor
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • drop (someone or something) on (someone or something)
  • like a cat in a strange garret
  • suck (someone or something) into (something)
  • suck into
  • come out at
  • come out at an amount
  • cool cat
  • bury under
  • bury under (something)
  • conduct (someone or something) out of (some place)
References in periodicals archive
And we haven't seen hide nor hair of him on the racecourse since.
'This report will probably go to Europe and, like most of these things, we will not see hide nor hair of it for a considerable time,' he said.
We hadn't seen hide nor hair of him for the last nine months and, frankly, he had become nothing more than a walking wage packet.
I've leafleted hundreds of properties, put up posters, placed ads in the papers, scoured more derelict buildings, lodged her details with the RSPCA, police, vets, animal rescue centres, the university, yet no one's seen hide nor hair of her.
One of the few forces which failed to arrest Steve was Yorkshire, in spite of the best efforts of the impressively-named Chief Inspector (Acting) Tadeusz Nowakowski, the Morse of the North, who saw neither hide nor hair of him.
That's mainly because I've not seen hide nor hair of potential election candidates knocking at my door.
At one point, Omar Epps,Corey Feldman, Skeet Ulrich and Mandy Moore were involved.You won't see hide nor hair of them in the finished movie.
There were a couple of reasons for this selection apart from enjoying a culinary challenge; one being a love of seafood and the other the fact that I had just spent a few days in Scotland without seeing hide nor hair of a haggis.
FANS of BBC1's slickest new series may find it hard to believe, but gorgeous Hustle star Jaime Murray is still dealing with her husband walking out on her five years agoShe said: 'He took all our belongings and I never saw hide nor hair of him again, so I went through a lot.
``The fact I am black is neither hide nor hair. The fact is I am trying to make the best contribution I can to the Welsh language.''