
libel chill

The silencing effect that the threat of a libel lawsuit can have on those who would be sued if they continue such speech. The whistleblower's silence after being threatened with a lawsuit by her former company is a classic case of libel chill.
See also: chill, libel

the greater the truth, the greater the libel

The more damaging or incendiary a fact is, the greater legal ramifications its publisher will face. Based on seditious libel laws of England in the 18th century. The Crown aimed to stamp out any and all seditious or rebellious publications that would aim to undermine or discredit the empire, truth being considered no defense whatsoever. In their eyes, the greater the truth, the greater the libel.
See also: greater, libel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

The greater the truth, the greater the libel.

Prov. It is more offensive to say something damaging and true about someone than it is to tell a damaging lie. Jill: Fred's really upset. Someone's started a rumor that he's unfaithful to his wife. Jane: But it's true. Jill: Yeah, but the greater the truth, the greater the libel.
See also: greater, libel
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • libel chill
  • speech is silver, but silence is golden
  • speech is silver, silence is gold
  • speech is silver, silence is golden
  • heavy silence
  • pregnant silence
  • the greater the truth, the greater the libel
  • prunes and prisms
  • beat (someone or something) into (something)
  • beat into
References in periodicals archive
Nalzaro said the four libel cases filed against him consisted the 'two counts of libel in violation of Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) and another two counts in violation of Republic Act 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, which punishes the crime of libel committed through the use of the internet and online.'
class="twitter-tweet" .3958333333333 Here is Rappler's statement on Chief Presidential Legal Counsel and Spokesperson Salvador Panelo's threat to file libel complaints over stories about Antonio Sanchez's possible early release.a pic.
In a text message on August 2, Medialdea said 'there will be more coming' after he filed a libel complaint against Tulfo last June.
This is why defamatory posts on social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like, will certainly fall within the definition of cyber libel.
Venturanza said the court that will handle the libel case may set a P30,000 bail for Alvarez.
In an interview, Office of Cybercrime-OIC Director Jed Sherwin Uy acknowledged that prior to the enactment of RA 10175, the DOJ is getting only few libel complaints.
While we're talking about bad laws dealing with libel and slander, let's raise some questions about other laws involving speech -- namely, blackmail laws.
Libel is a legal term that refers to a written form of defamation.
Dina Porat and Haim Hillel Ben-Sasson, writing in the Encyclopedia Judaica, call the blood libel "one of the most terrible expressions of the combination of human cruelty and credulity." Although the first instance of the classic blood libel was leveled in 1144 at the Jews of Norwich, England who were falsely said to have kidnapped, tortured and hanged a child named William--elements of it stretch back to the Hellenistic era, when Greek chroniclers claimed that Jews would fatten up a Greek for a year, then sacrifice him.
"It was entirely focused on the effects of the libels on our other children and the damage that was done in the search for Madeleine."
Anderson became so frustrated by the costs of libel litigation and the harassment involving astronomical claims of punitive damages that he was willing to make a trade.
Legal aid, of course, has never been available for libel cases, making it an area of law that has to a very large extent been reserved for the rich and the powerful.
"Privacy & Libel Law: The Clash with Press Freedom" analyzes the role of law in today's rising debate over libel and concerns over privacy, and the heavy influence of lobbyists into this debate, focusing not only on concerns in America, but as well as the United Kingdom and other areas of the world.
"A new Philippine cybercrime law drastically increases punishments for criminal libel and gives authorities excessive and unchecked powers to shut down websites and monitor online information," HRW said.