In order to achieve a good traffic performance,
SCATS application in developing country should be based on the specific local conditions that commonly occur in these large cities.
Performance evaluation of advanced traffic control systems at signalised intersections far from adjacent intersections
However, the average
scat from Southeast Alaska contained at least two prey species.
Diets of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Southeast Alaska, 1993-1999
Apart from green sea turtle hatchling, no other evidence of sea turtles was discovered in
scat samples, despite of being one of the main components in the jaguar's diet in Tortuguero National Park.
Feeding habits of the jaguar Panthera onca (Carnivora: Felidae) in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica
Table 1.--Weekly diet of the Sheep Ranch Pack in northeastern Minnesota from late June to early October 2015 as determined by
scat analysis.
Weekly Summer Diet of Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) in Northeastern Minnesota
Based on feeding signs,
scat analysis and indirect signs, the dietary composition of sun bears and seasonal difference in their food habits was studied in Namdapha Tiger Reserve.
Dietary preference of Malayan sun bear Helarctos malayanus in Namdapha Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Food remains in each
scat were assessed by absolute (AF = number of occurrences of each food category when present/total number of
scats x 100) and relative (RF = number of occurrences of each food category when present/total number of occurrences of all food items x 100) frequencies of occurrence (Hart et al.
Diet of adult and juvenile wildcats in Southern Tuscany (Central Italy)
The PFGE patterns for the deer and coyote
scat isolates shared >95% similarity with pattern EXH01.0238.
Contaminated stream water as source for Escherichia coli O157 illness in children
Molecular Analysis of Scats--DNA Extraction--We opportunistically collected
scat samples from felids throughout the study area from October 2012 to June 2013.
Diet of pumas (Puma concolor) in Sonora, Mexico, as determined by GPS kill sites and molecular identified scat, with comments on jaguar (Panthera onca) diet
During processing,
scat samples were thawed and washed through a series of nested sieves (1.0-, 0.5-, and 0.25-cm mesh sizes) as described in Lance and others (2001).
River Otter (Lontra canadensis) food habits in a Washington coast watershed: implications for a threatened species
These data can be obtained from DNA extracted from blood, tissue, hair, or
scat. Sampling of high quality template DNA samples (i.e., tissue and blood) is often invasive, requiring physically handling animals which may entail high cost, physiological stress, and/or injury.
Scat-detection dogs survey low density moose in New York
Scat samples were collected during summer and winter seasons and hair mounting technique was used to identify different species consumed by P.
Seasonal Diet Composition of Leopard (Panthera pardus) in Machiara National Park Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan
Repair of Boeing aircrafts of the Russia's "VimAvia" and Kazakhstan's "
SCAT" is carried out at the aviation enterprise "Uzbekistan Airways Technics" (UAT), reported the press service of the Uzbek company.
Repair of Boeings of Russian company VimAvia, Kazakh SCAT carried out in Uzbekistan
In our study, it is likely that
scat analysis resulted in an underrepresentation of salmon in wolf diets not only because these fish are highly digestible (Hilderbrand et al., 1999), but also because
scat collection occurred before the peak of spawning season.
Linking wolf diet to changes in marine and terrestrial prey abundance
This year the Sarasota County Commission pushed Sarasota County Area Transit (
SCAT) to explore merging with Manatee County's bus system (MCAT.) General manager Glama Carter says a regional system would offer more efficient routes and shorter waits between buses.
Our town: hot topics, talk and history
It represents the correlation functions of nonisotropic part in scattering component and LOS component when the superscript X is
scat and LOS, respectively.
Nonisotropic scattering characteristic in an alternant tree-blocked viaduct scenario on high-speed railway at 2.35 GHz