Related to hell: Hell on Wheels
1. The brunt of another's anger, often relayed through scolding. If I get home past curfew again, I'm really going to catch hell from my parents!
2. Problems or challenges. This discrepancy in the budget is really giving me hell—I still haven't figured it out.
3. A mild oath of surprise, exasperation, annoyance, frustration, or anger. Hell, I haven't seen you in years! Oh hell, would you let me finish my story? Hell, I just had the car fixed and now you've put a dent in it!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
and *the devil1. Inf. a severe scolding. (*Typically: get ~ catch ~ give someone ∼. Use caution with hell.) The boss just gave me hell about it. I'm really going to give Tom hell when he gets home.
2. Inf. trouble; pain. (*Typically: give someone ∼. Use caution with hell.) My arthritis is giving me hell in this weather. This problem is giving us hell at the office.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
1. n. trouble. (Use caution with hell. Common colloquial, but with a few restrictions. One would not expect middle-class children to use this at home. See the complete list of all entries with hell in the Index of Hidden Key Words. Hell as a destination is not considered slang or colloquial. Hell as a curse is colloquial.) I went through all sorts of hell to get this done on time.
2. exclam. Damn! (Usually Hell! Use caution with hell.) Oh, hell. I’m late.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
or/and high water Troubles or difficulties of whatever magnitude: We're staying, come hell or high water.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
- (all) shot to hell
- (as) hot as hell
- (as) sure as hell
- (I'll) see you in hell!
- (someone or something) from hell
- (that's) a hell of a note
- a cold day in Hell
- a hell of a
- a hell of a mess
- a hell on earth
- a living hell
- a match made in hell
- a snowball's chance in hell
- a/one hell of a...
- all hell breaks loose
- all hell breaks/is let loose
- all hell broke loose
- all over creation
- all over hell and gone
- all over Hell and half of Georgia
- all over hell's half acre
- as hell
- as much chance as a wax cat in hell
- as sure as hell
- be (all) shot to hell
- be going to hell
- be hell on
- be hell on (one)
- be hell on wheels
- be hell-bent on
- be hell-bent on something/on doing something
- be no screaming hell
- be shot to hell
- be the day hell freezes over
- beat the hell out of
- beat the hell out of (one)
- beat the living daylights out of
- beat the shit out of (one)
- beat/knock/kick the hell out of somebody/something
- been to hell and back
- bloody hell
- break loose
- bug the hell out of (one)
- by hell or high water
- catch hell
- catch hell for (something)
- come hell and high water
- come hell or high water
- devil of a
- fight like hell
- for the devil of it
- for the hell of it
- forty minutes of hell
- frighten the hell out of
- frighten the hell out of (one)
- frighten the pants off (of) (one)
- from hell
- from hell to breakfast
- get (the hell) out of Dodge
- get hell
- get hell about (something)
- get hell for (something)
- get the hell out
- get the hell out (of some place)
- give (one) hell
- give hell to
- give somebody hell
- give someone hell
- give them hell
- go hell for leather
- go through hell
- go through hell and high water
- go to hell
- go to hell and back
- go to hell in a bucket
- go to hell in a handbasket
- go to hell in a handbasket, to
- go to hell in a handcart
- go to the devil/hell
- have been to hell and back
- have hell to pay
- have no chance in hell
- have the devil to pay
- he that would go to sea for pleasure would go to hell for a pastime
- He that would go to sea for pleasure, would go to hell for a pastime
- hell
- Hell and half of Georgia
- hell and high water
- hell around
- hell for leather
- Hell has no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
- hell has no fury like a woman scorned
- hell hath no fury
- hell hath no fury like a (certain type of person) scorned
- hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- hell if I know
- hell is paved with good intentions, the road/way to
- hell mend (someone)
- hell of a
- hell of a (person or thing)
- hell of a lot of (something)
- hell of a mess
- hell of a note
- hell of a someone/something
- hell of a time
- hell on
- hell on (someone or something)
- hell on a holiday
- hell on earth
- hell on wheels
- hell or high water
- hell or high water, come
- hell raiser
- hell to pay
- hell to pay, there'll be
- hell week
- hell with that!
- hell/the devil to pay
- Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!
- hell-bent
- hell-bent for
- hell-bent for (something)
- hell-bent for leather
- heller
- hellhole
- hell-on-wheels
- hellpig
- hellraiser
- hell's bells
- hell's bells and buckets of blood
- Hell's bells!
- hell's half acre
- Hell's Kitchen
- hell's teeth
- hot as blazes
- hot as hell
- how (in) the hell should I know
- how in the hell
- how the hell
- in (the) Sam Hill?
- in one hell of a hurry
- in the hell
- it'll be a cold day in hell
- it'll be a frosty Friday
- kick the hell out of (one)
- knock the hell out of
- knock the hell out of (one)
- like a bat out of hell
- like hell
- like hell and high lightning
- Like hell!
- like the devil
- living hell
- living hell, a
- mad as a hornet
- mad as hell
- no screaming hell
- not a cat in hell's chance
- not a hope in hell
- not have a (snowball's) chance in hell
- not have a cat in hell's chance
- not have a chance in hell (of doing something)
- not have a hope in hell
- not have a hope in hell (of doing something)
- not have a snowball's chance in hell
- not have a snowball's chance in hell and not a hope in hell
- once hell freezes over
- one hell of a (something or someone)
- play (merry) hell with (someone or something)
- play hell
- play hell with
- play hell with somebody/something
- play hell with someone/something
- play hell with something
- play merry hell
- put (one) through hell
- quicker than hell
- raise Cain
- raise Cain/hell
- raise hell
- raise hell with (someone or something)
- raise hell with someone
- raise hell with something
- raise the devil
- raise the devil with someone
- raise the devil with something
- ride hell (bent) for leather, to
- road to hell is paved with good intentions
- road to hell is paved with good intentions, the
- scare the hell out of (one)
- scare the hell out of someone
- scare, annoy, etc. the hell out of somebody
- see (one) in hell before (doing something)
- see (one) in hell first
- see somebody in hell first
- shoot (someone or something) (all) to hell
- shoot to hell
- shot full of holes
- shot to hell
- shut the hell up
- snowball’s chance in hell
- snowball's chance in hell, a
- snowball's chance in hell, no more than/not a
- someone or something from hell
- sure as hell
- the hell
- the hell out of
- the hell with (someone or something)
- the hell you say
- The hell you say!
- the road to hell is paved with good intentions
- there will be hell to pay
- there'll be hell to pay
- through hell and high water
- till hell freezes over
- to hell and back
- to hell and gone
- to hell in a handbasket
- to hell with
- to hell with (someone or something)
- to hell with somebody/something
- To hell with that!
- until hell freezes over
- What (in) the fucking hell?
- what in hell
- what in the hell
- What in the hell?
- what the hell
- what the hell!
- What the hell?
- when hell freezes over
- when hell freezes over and the devil learns to (ice) skate
- where (in) (the) hell
- who (in) (the) hell
- Who in the hell?
- Who the hell?
- would see (someone) in hell before (one) would (do something)
- You scared the hell out of me