hope chest

Related to hope chest: cedar chest

hope chest

1. A piece of furniture used to store household items such as clothing and linens. The antique store had a beautiful cedar hope chest that would be a perfect addition to my bedroom furniture.
2. A young woman's collection of household items to use in her home after marriage. Sarah collected linens and sheets for her hope chest in anticipation of her new life as a married woman.
See also: chest, hope
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hope chest

a chest containing linen, clothes, and household items stored by a woman in preparation for her marriage. North American
The British equivalent of this expression is bottom drawer (see drawer).
See also: chest, hope
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • store
  • in store
  • have (something) in store (for one)
  • have in store
  • be in store
  • be in store (for one)
  • five-and-ten
  • lie in store
  • liquor store
  • mind the store
References in periodicals archive
"The cedar hope chest was made by my grandfather and passed down to me by my morn when I got married," Melissa said.
If that wasn't enough, Holloway also logs many hours volunteering at the Prairie County Hope Chest, which provides clothing and transportation to help De Valls Bluff residents moving from welfare to work.
And the cast of child actors is uniformly marvelous, not least of all Carlie Westerman as a 10-year-old with a hope chest full of kitchen appliances she hopes to someday share with her husband and kids -a perfect Stepford wife in training.
sometimes called a hope chest, also like a dowry, a measure of a woman's worth'.
One such critic, Makarand Paranjape, reminds his readers: "We, the Indian English critics, wish to be seen and heard too, no doubt, but this has to be on our terms, not through mimicry and ventriloquism." Using the tools of close reading, historiography, and literary genealogy, these Indian English scholars convey a deep understanding of how race, sexuality, gender, class, and caste variously play out in such novels as Rukhsana Ahmad's Hope Chest and Ismat Chughtai's Crooked Line.
As a "newly made lady of the house," teen-age girls stood "on a threshold of gigantic household buying, probably never to be repeated in her lifetime." With this market in mind, manufacturers and retailers were to focus on "the girl's formative years." For example, the Hope Chest Study, conducted by market researcher Eugene Gilbert for Seventeen Magazine in 1957, found girls as young as 13 or 14 interested in collecting items for their future households.
These objects were hidden in the bottom of a trunk or hope chest of a soon-to-be-married woman.
At Waverly, which has seen its soft window business grow exponentially over the past few years, introductions this market include a rod pocket pair in Camelia Terrace/gold, a classic study of floral botanical on the Melrose jacquard with Hope Chest stripe tiebacks.
SHAPES AND SHADE: A projection of 36 Elements by Susanna Heron (right) and (above left) Hope Chest by Sian Bowen
Hope chest or casket, any enterprising woodworkers who want to build and sell caskets, please contact us at: MOTHER EARTH NEWS, 1503 S.W.
Many newlyweds began their lives together with a cedar Hope Chest from the Lane Company.
Proceeds from the event went to the Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital and the Hospice Hope Chest of Mount Dora.
In the 65-minute solo piece, Miller also includes bittersweet tales of boyhood crushes and reminiscences about his fascination with the hope chest that stood at the foot of his mother's bed (the show's title is Down Under-speak for hope chest).
At Lowe's, the stuff is being sold as StorageBord, a 2x4 panel product that is laid over the attic joists to create a flat, smooth platform for extra storage of seasonal items, Grandma's hope chest, and outdated lamps.