in recovery

in recovery

1. In the process of receiving treatment for a serious issue in one's life, such as psychological trauma or addiction. A: "She's been in recovery for 10 years already." B: "Wow. It's hard to believe she was ever addicted to heroin." Rich is in recovery for PTSD from his time in Vietnam.
2. In the "recovery room," a space in a hospital or medical office where patients regain consciousness after being anesthetized, as for a surgical procedure. Anna's surgery went very well. She's in recovery now, if you want to come see her.
See also: recovery
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

in recovery

In the process of participating in a group or program providing treatment and support for a longstanding psychological or behavioral problem, such as abuse, addiction, grief, or trauma.
See also: recovery
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
See also:
  • recovery
  • numb out
  • mickey mouse habit
  • (one's) day in court
  • (from) top to toe
  • (one's) jig is up
  • shell-shocked
  • get right with (someone)
  • steel (one's) heart against (someone or something)
  • steel one's heart against
References in periodicals archive
Hope North East has 80% of its staff in recovery from addiction.
Hope North East's business manager Matt Fowler, pictured above, said: "We will put service users, carers and families at the heart of our delivery and bring about a cultural change in recovery in Middlesbrough.