

rude slang An initialism of "I don't give a rat's ass," indicating one's utter or defiant lack of regard (about something). Used primarily in text messages or online communications. A: "You're being very offensive, you know." B: "IDGARA if people get offended. That's their problem, not mine." A: "Don't you mind that Sarah is going out with Dave?" B: "Whatever, I broke up with him, so IDGARA what they do."


rude slang An initialism of "I don't give a shit," indicating one's utter or defiant lack of regard (about something). Used primarily in text messages or online communications. A: "You're being very offensive, you know." B: "IDGAS if people get offended. That's their problem, not mine." A: "Don't you mind that Sarah is going out with Dave?" B: "Whatever, I broke up with him, so IDGAS what they do."
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • YMBJ
  • WTG
  • HBU
  • CTFO
  • FTS
  • FOAD
  • DNW