high cotton

high cotton

A state of success (likened to the image of a field of well-growing cotton plants). Typically used in the phrase "in high cotton." I can't believe I got such good grades this semester—I'm really in high cotton now!
See also: cotton, high
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • in high cotton
  • standing in high cotton
  • ride high
  • riding high
  • set (one's) sights high
  • set your sights high/low
  • be as high as a kite
  • the heat is on
  • near and dear to (one)
  • have a high opinion of (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
Yet the sector opts to fixate on its cost of doing business woes without taking into account the evolving trends that have come after years of high cotton prices and improving synthetic technology.
Grab something unique at The High Cotton Marketplace.
Also at 1 p.m., the High Cotton Bluegrass group performs, until 2:30 p.m.
Polyester filament yarn is largely used as a substitute to cotton yarn owing to the short supply and high cotton prices, and constant improvement in manufacturing technologies of polyester filament.
The problem with China is that they were a high cotton producing country but over the last 10 years there has been a fall in the focus on cotton as they have prioritised foodgrains over cotton.
High Cotton (study), 2017, a painting of a deep-blue field from which five vengeful women emerge, reminded one of the pragmatism behind this accessory; the makeshift vegetal crowns are a form of camouflage, making it possible to hide in the fields.
Due to high cotton prices, exports of textiles and clothing went up from $10.35 billion in 2009-10 to $13.92 billion in 2010-11, up 34.49%.
He asserted importance of the role of farmers in completing the development of Gezira Scheme, referring to the high cotton productivity of Gezira Scheme in the current season.
The troublesome wording in the bill is "reasonably appears," which, if the bill becomes law, will keep a slew of attorneys in high cotton for years.Show up at the ER with a black eye and a broken nose and it might reasonably appear there was a crime when you merely got in the way of a curveball.
Caption: Pictured here: Barnes in a high cotton (Australian type) field.
High cotton prices and cheaper imports from China hit production of cotton-based goods, according to Ashok G Rajani, the chief of the Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC).
If the cloth has a high cotton content, they use screen printing.
Dust on a talc-free powder (Farmaesthetics High Cotton Body Dust, $27, farmaesthetics.com) to wick away moisture.
"He didn't know it was the legal high Cotton Candy Carnage at all - but his friend said that is what he had in it."
High Cotton Hunting Mike Barker highcottonhunting.com