jeepers creepers

jeepers creepers

A mild exclamation of surprise, astonishment, fear, or delight. A: "I just found out that they want to promote me to General Manager!" B: "Jeepers creeper, Tom—that's great news!" Jeepers creepers, don't sneak up on me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
See also: creeper, jeepers
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


exclam. Wow! Jeepers-creepers! I’m sorry!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

jeepers creepers!

An interjection of surprise or delight. The equivalent of “no kidding!” or “wow!” depending on the context, the phrase came from a 1938 popular song first sung by Louis “Sachmo” Armstrong in the movie Going Places. The chorus began, “Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers? / Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those eyes?”
See also: jeepers
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price
See also:
  • jeepers creepers!
  • Jeepers-creepers!
  • jeepers
  • Jeepers!
  • ah
  • (well,) dog my cats
  • (my) goodness
  • ach du lieber
  • (for) land('s) sake(s) (alive)
  • hoo-rah
References in periodicals archive
( Jeepers Creepers (2001)
JEEPERS CREEPERS II, Film4, 9.00pm (2003) (15) Horror sequel carrying on where the first entry left off, following the sinister Creeper as he continues his murderous activities, determined to sate his bloodthirsty appetite before he goes to sleep for another 23 years - and a coachload of squealing teenagers looks like the perfect place to start.
Creating contemporary reinterpretations of old-time favourites including Mr Sandman and Jeepers Creepers and translating more modern songs like Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive and Blondie's Heart Of Glass into tight three-part harmonies ...
Derek Laverty falls from Jeepers Creepers in the opening novice hurdle.
original film House of 1000 Corpses $13 $17 +35% Lionsgate 4/11/03 The Transporter 25 43 +70% Fox 10/11/02 Jeepers Creepers 38 36 +6% MGM/UA 8/31/01 Pitch Black 39 58 +47% Focus 2/18/00 Resident Evil 40 50 +26% Sony 3/15/02 Agent Cody Banks 48 24 -51% MGM/UA 3/14/03 Diary of a Mad 50 opens 2/24 -- Black Woman Lionsgate 2/25/05 Underworld 51 opens 1/20 -- Sony 9/19/03 Final Destination 53 46 -13% New Line 3/17/00 Saw 55 87 +58% Lionsgate 10/29/04 Shanghai Noon 57 60 +6% BV 5/26/00 Note: Table made from bar graph.
Prosecutors described the crime as "absolutely gruesome and grisly" (the girls reportedly beat the 64-year-old woman, set the house on fire and went to see the film Jeepers Creepers) but denied to that the girls did it because granny disapproved of their lesbian relationship.
Frank Harrington (Ray Wise, star of Jeepers Creepers 2, Twin Peaks) is grudgingly driving his family to spend the holiday season with his in-laws.
The two had been watching the film Jeepers Creepers together at his home last year, when she said he started kissing her.
Ray Wise appeared in two pictures at FanTasia's seventh edition, Jean-Baptiste Andrea's and Fabrice Canepa's Dead End and Victor Salva's Jeepers Creepers 2.
"Jeepers Creepers 2' opens today at Cinema World and Cinemark.
Two years ago he changed stylistic tack somewhat and came up with Jeepers Creepers, a creepy horror movie in which two teenagers discover a lair decorated with body parts and find themselves being stalked by the fiend responsible.
Digital Bridges will initially provide AT&T Wireless customers with two games - Scooby Doo: Jeepers Creepers and Denki Blocks!
"They said, 'Jeepers Creepers, we need your old peepers,'" said Spencer.
a brother and sister (Justin Long, Gina Philips) come face-to-face with a hideous demon in JEEPERS CREEPERS (Helkon SK, pounds 14.99) ...
Jeepers Creepers! This one is really for the birds.