"I am perfectly content to take my risks," Lady Grace answered confidently.
"I am afraid," she answered, "that I agree with Grace."
The Prince glanced over Lady Grace's mare and turned aside to join Penelope and Somerfield.
"Your mare understands Japanese, Lady Grace," the Prince answered, smiling.
"Do you know, Grace, I believe, I really believe he'll ride her!"
Both cleared it, but whereas Lady Grace's mare jumped wide and clear, and her rider never even faltered in his saddle, Somerfield lost all his lead and only just kept his seat.
"You've won your money, Grace," the Duke declared, shutting up his glass.
The Illustrious Prince
Grace called to mind the hesitation that she had shown when she had mentioned her name, and drew a new conclusion from it.
Sit down again." Grace's heart began to quicken its beat in expectation of the disclosure that was to come.
The New Magdalen
We were ushered through the magnificent Elizabethan doorway and into his Grace's study.
"You have come to see his Grace. I am sorry, but the fact is that the Duke is far from well.
"I think, your Grace, that I could speak more freely in Mr.
"The fact is, your Grace," said he, "that my colleague, Dr.
"I fancy that I see your Grace's check-book upon the table," said he.
His Grace sat very stern and upright in his chair and looked stonily at my friend.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes