An initialism of "Johnny-come-lately," referring to someone who is new to some group, situation, or activity, especially that which has been around for a long time. The abbreviation is only used in writing. A: "So, what do you think of Greg's promotion?" B: "Frankly, it's a bunch of BS that they gave it to a JCL like him." I know I'm just a JCL on this forum, but I have some opinions about the way some of the more veteran members have been acting lately.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and JCL
n. someone new to a situation or status. This Johnnie-come-lately doesn’t know what it was like in the old days.


See Johnnie-come-lately
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • DNQ
  • GMTA
  • CTFO
  • WTG
  • HBU
  • FTFY
  • FIFO
References in periodicals archive
The company will operate as "JCL International - A part of the JLL network" during an initial transition phase.
Cassava and JCL are classified as second-generation biofuel feedstock, which are derived from crop residues, energy plants, and construction waste [35].
JCL entered into a lease on January 1, 2012, with the following terms: JCL leased specialiml machinery from Bell Corp.
Revel, 1979), 31; Robert Hawley, letter to Jean O'Leary, October 4, 1976, Folder "Gays, Jimmy Carter On, 3/76-3/77 (O/A 4499), 03/1976-03/1977," Box 22, Seymour Wishman Files, Office of Public Liaison (OPL) Files, White House Staff Office Files (WHSF), JCL.
Xceleron and JCL Bioassay have developed a combined 100 analytical methods for preclinical and Phase I investigations and both companies have recently built, equipped and staffed labs specific to ultra-low level analyses under GLP and GCP conditions.
* Converted 800-plus batch jobs (JCL) to the Micro Focus environment.
JCL's CEO Stephan Joebstl said the transaction allows the company access to 18 new sites in China and South Korea.
Hipercolestrolemic and treated with 25 mg/kg JCL Oil; Group IV:
The agreement between the city's library service and charitable company Jesmond Community Leisure (JCL) will see volunteers working alongside professional library staff.
The court held, inter alia, that it agreed with Barbara's contention that the Superior Court erred in granting JCL's motion for summary judgment when she did not have a "retained testifying medical expert," because "no expert witness is required for an intentional tort, including battery." The court went on to note that the Supreme Court of Arizona has explained: Claims involving lack of consent, i.e., the doctor's failure to operate within the limits of the patient's consent, may be brought as battery actions.
andrew.wilkinson@eveninggazette.co.uk MARCHING ON -The NYSD Premier League''s youngsters reached the final of the Yorkshire under 17 championships when they overwhelmed the Huddersfield JCL at Acklam Park yesterday.
Lee, personal records (JCL); Museo de Zoologia "Alfonso L.
If you created your JCL (Job Control Language) deck correctly you had the ability to access any and all resources available to the mainframe.
22 for the year 1997 (JCL) provided for merger and acquisition in Articles (222 -- 239).
15 Yap AUJ, Lim CC, Neo JCL. Marginal sealing ability of three cervical restorative systems.