CIG is a global SDN / NFV networking equipment manufacturer based in Shanghai (China) with US headquarters in Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, CA).
MaxLinear technology chosen by Cambridge Industries Group
"We have worked closely with
CIG for over three years and hold the company's management team, strategic focus and credit expertise in high regard.
Capital Source buys up lender for $97m
Consistent with
CIG's existing transload network, the acquired terminals are large scale and fit-for-purpose to meet the challenges of handling increasing proppant volumes per well throughout the unconventional shale basins in which they operate.
CIG Logistics Acquires Transload Terminals from US Silica
05 Tynnwch y
cig o'r tun rhostio a'i roi ar blat gweini cynnes tra byddwch chi'n gorffen gwneud y sudd.
Ysgwydd o gig oen Cymreig PGI gyda rhosmari, lemwn a bara lawr
Talks have begun, and an Assembly Government spokeswoman said: "Officials are in close contact with the senior management team at
Cig Cibyn to explore what assistance can be provided to support the company."
WALES: Abattoir pleads for Assembly bail-out; No Plan B, say bosses as workers face dole
CIG officials say the pipeline will be designed to provide up to 750 MMDth/d of incremental transportation capacity and could be in service by early 2003.
CIG Revises Plans For Ruby Pipeline
Under the agreement,
CIG will serve as the preferred transload provider to US Silica in the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford shale play;
CIG Logistics will operate US Silica's facility in Seagraves, Texas.
CIG Logistics acquires three transload terminals in Texas & West Virginia
According to
CIG, the Odessa facility is a critical logistics hub for the energy industry fulfilling a key role in the movement of crude oil and frac sand via rail and truck to and from the Permian Basin.
CIG Logistics Acquires Texas Rail Facility
Mewn cyfnod o ansicrwydd, prisiau anwadal gyda phrisiau
cig eidion ac wyn wedi w gostwng yn eithriadol, mi fydai'r sefyllfa wedi bod llawer gwaeth onibai am arweiniad gan Hybu
Cig Cymru.
HCC yn arwain y ffordd i'r diwydiant
Upon completion of the acquisition
CiG will assume all obligations under contractual agreements pertaining to the assets.
CiG Wireless buying towers from Southern Tower Antenna Rental for USD13.5m
THE Welsh lamb industry faces renewed crisis after Caernarfon's
Cig Cibyn abattoir mothballed its plant.
WALES: CRISIS 47 workers sent home as lamb export trade is lost; ABATTOIR BECOMES VICTIM OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH
US-based wireless infrastructure company
CiG Wireless Corp.