It is an utmost concern for the physician and a source of anxiety for the parents.1 High bilirubin level may be toxic to the developing central nervous system and may elicit neurological impairment in newborns.2 About 60% of term newborns become visibly
jaundiced in the first week of life.
Hypocalcemia in jaundiced neonates receiving phototherapy
Being a hospital based study done only in
jaundiced patients requiring phototherapy, it does not reflect the prevalence of G6PD deficiency in the entire population of Assam.
Study of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in jaundiced neonates of a tertiary care centre of North-East India
G6PD assay should be included in all
jaundiced neonates for earlier detection and timely prevention of complication like kernictrus.
Frequecy of G6PD deficiency in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
In certain specific subgroups of
jaundiced patients, including those with acute suppurative cholangitis,[91] severe malnutrition, impending renal failure or hilar block requiring portal vein embolisation,[13,92,93] and those who need pre-operative neoadjuvant therapy,[29] urgent PBD is indicated and can be lifesaving.
Operable severe obstructive jaundice: how should we use pre-operative biliary drainage?
Over half of all infants are thought to be
jaundiced in the first week.
Clinical update: understanding jaundice in the breastfed infant
(14) Yet the assessment of stool colour is not routine to well-baby-care practice, and pale stools are not recognized as being abnormal in
jaundiced infants.
Biliary atresia: the timing needs a changin'
Since most
jaundiced patients are not critically ill when initially assessed, diagnosis and therapy can be undertaken in a stepwise fashion, with each subsequent test logically selected according to the information available at that point.
The evaluation of cholestatic jaundice is a common problem in clinical practice
He may not realize that these same physicians now feel that this view was in error and have made a complete turnaround in favor of closer monitoring of
jaundiced infants.
Neglect of Jaundice may not be benign
Immediate exchange transfusion is recommended in any infant who is
jaundiced with signs of the acute bilirubin encephalopathy including hypertonia, arching, retrocollis and opisthotonos (head and heels drawn back), fever, and high-pitched cry--even if the bilirubin is decreasing (AAP, 2004) (see Table 4).
Jaundice in the full-term newborn
The most common risk factors are breast-feeding, history of a
jaundiced sibling, gestational age under 38 weeks, and jaundice before discharge.
Hyperbilirubinemia in newborns
We report the concentrations of copper in healthy and
jaundiced full-term and premature infants and their correlations with hemoglobin, bilirubin, and liver enzymes.
Serum copper is decreased in premature newborns and increased in newborns with hemolytic jaundice
One month later, she felt better, was no longer
jaundiced, and results of her liver function tests were generally normal.
Human and porcine hepatitis E virus strains, United Kingdom
I am also due to deliver very soon and I am worried my baby will be
jaundiced, too.
Gareth Smith: Will our baby be bornwith jaundice?
If a baby is still
jaundiced by the age of two weeks, however, investigations are needed to find out the cause.
Your family's health... with Dr Sarah Brewer
During a pediatric appointment on day 11, the infant weighed 5 lbs, 10 oz (2552 g), was dehydrated, and
jaundiced. A tested serum sample revealed an elevated bilirubin of 41.5 mg/dL (normal range at age [greater than]72 hours: [less than]17 mg/dL).
Kernicterus in Full-Term Infants -- United States, 1994-1998