
admiral of the narrow seas

obsolete One who drunkenly vomits into someone else's lap. Stay away from Ted. He cannot hold his liquor and is known to become admiral of the narrow seas after a few drinks.
See also: admiral, narrow, of, sea

tap the admiral

To drink directly (and secretly) from a cask, as if by a straw and gimlet. The phrase refers to British admiral Horatio Nelson, whose corpse was transported to England in a liquor-filled cask that is said to have arrived empty of liquor. Someone must have tapped the admiral because we are out of liquor already!
See also: admiral, tap
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • admiral of the narrow seas
  • narrow
  • empathize
  • empathize with
  • empathize with (someone or something)
  • come over
  • ride (one's) coattails
  • ride on (one's) coattails
  • ride on coattails
  • ride on someone's/something's coat-tails
References in classic literature
The admiral, however, without taking any further notice of the duke's ill-humor, led the princesses into the quarter-deck cabin, where dinner had been served with a magnificence worthy in every respect of his guests.
It succeeded, however; and though Sir Walter must ever look with an evil eye on anyone intending to inhabit that house, and think them infinitely too well off in being permitted to rent it on the highest terms, he was talked into allowing Mr Shepherd to proceed in the treaty, and authorising him to wait on Admiral Croft, who still remained at Taunton, and fix a day for the house being seen.
Sir Walter was not very wise; but still he had experience enough of the world to feel, that a more unobjectionable tenant, in all essentials, than Admiral Croft bid fair to be, could hardly offer.
"Certainly, Admiral. We would not hurry you in your decision.
"There are the tales, of course," said the Admiral, shrugging his shoulders; "and some of them, I don't deny, on evidence as decent as one ever gets for such things.
But the antiquarian superstition in Fanshaw was still quivering, and he said hastily: "But, Admiral, what's that hissing noise quite near the island?
"It's more like what it is," said the Admiral, laughing as he led the way; "it's only some canoe going by."
But the alien colour culminated in the fact that, besides the butler, the Admiral's only servants were two negroes, somewhat quaintly clad in tight uniforms of yellow.
"DEAR ADMIRAL BARTRAM -- When you open my Will (in which you are named my sole executor), you will find that I have bequeathed the whole residue of my estate -- after payment of one legacy of five thousand pounds -- to yourself.
"Believe me, dear Admiral Bartram, affectionately yours,
"Address the letter, sir," she proceeded, "to Admiral Bartram, St.
If you will place the Will and the Sealed Letter together in one envelope -- and if you will direct it to the admiral -- I will take care that the inclosure so addressed is safely placed in his own hands.
"A very promising young officer, I should think," the Admiral continued, "and a very sad death.
"You can take him with you, if you like," the Admiral declared, also rising to his feet.
Mary refrained from saying what she felt, that there could not be two persons in existence whose characters and manners were less accordant: time would discover it to him; but she could not help this reflection on the Admiral. "Henry, I think so highly of Fanny Price, that if I could suppose the next Mrs.