ad infinitum

ad infinitum

Continuously without end. The phrase is Latin for "to infinity." Repairs to the old house seemed to go on ad infinitum—every time we finished a project, another awaited us.
See also: ad
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

ˌad infiˈnitum

(from Latin) without ever coming to an end; again and again: You cannot stay here ad infinitum without paying any rent. The problem would be repeated ad infinitum.
The meaning of the Latin phrase is ‘to infinity’.
See also: ad
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • ad nauseam
  • slave over
  • slave over (something)
  • on end
  • put one foot in front of the other
  • night and day
  • board the gravy train
  • have an eye for the main chance
  • have an eye on/for/to the main chance
  • have an eye to/for the main chance
References in periodicals archive
Then it was WorldCom, Tyco and others, ad infinitum, or ad nauseum, depending on your point of view.
The Swiss timepiece paradigm was founded on the assumption that mechanical technology (e.g., gears, bearings, and springs) would continue ad infinitum. The Swiss, then, were not able to "see" the alternative, competing technology.
Anthony Walsh of the Kent State Congress of Racial Equality chapter and the left-wing historian Gabriel Kolko each was raised by "a radical CIO organizer." Stewart Ewen, of the Mississippi Freedom Summer, had parents who were "1930s-era radicals." Activist historian Staughton Lynd's "parents had been leftist sociologists in the 1930s and [Henry] Wallace supporters in 1948." The phenomenon of family influence might "explain" the free-market enthusiasm of Steve Forbes, of course, but such explanations ad infinitum of the New Left scarcely support Heineman's model of a revolt against parental authority.
Since Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE) appeared on the art education scene in the early 1980s, it has been praised and criticized, implemented and ignored, and analyzed and researched ad infinitum. With almost twenty years to sift and winnow the body of literature from this important influence on the way we teach art, Ralph Smith has selected 42 essays written by respected art educators and related professionals, including Elliot Essner, Harry Broudy, and Michael Day, concerning the legacy of the movement.
Even plastic has come of age.) In the end, all this expenditure also made possible the $65 trade edi tion from Viking Studio -- the one that sold out in two weeks; the price is steep for a Bible, but not bad for an art book, and a publisher that could never advance money to an illustrator on the necessary scale can go on reprinting ad infinitum at more or less reasonable cost.
Mbeki called for an end to the "conference craze" and urged governments, big business and labour the same subjects at new conferences ad infinitum. Mbeki chose the Southern African International Dialogue conference in which to make his "too many conferences, not enough action" speech to 20 heads of state as well as powerful business and labour leaders.
Reinsurance is typically bought by an insurance company wanting to lay off some of the risk it has taken; reinsurers themselves can then lay off the risk, ad infinitum, in a process called "retrocession." Lloyd's did this compulsively and incestuously, reinsuring itself through its own syndicates.
As we have heard ad infinitum by now, Medicare is the fastest growing segment of an out-of-balance federal budget.
In addition, Fibreboard deals with a progressively burdened Forest Service that seems to be trapped under an avalanche of legally required impact statements and analyses, environmental and technical assessments ad infinitum, lawsuits, appeals, moratoria, reviews--and forest-management plans that take years to organize.
Purists insist that recycling is nothing less than a closed loop: the transformation of a bottle, can or sheet of paper into another bottle, can or sheet of paper, practically ad infinitum. Plastics entrepreneurs, on the other hand, want the dogma of recycling to embrace a wider meaning: the transformation of old, discarded stuff into new stuff that people will pay money for.
As they progress, from product line manager to divisional manager, to regional vice president, the same quantitative measures apply -- profit margins, market share, return on investment -- ad infinitum.
The economy and "money" is their sole argument and so the usual axiom of looser purse strings and tighter EU "apron strings" will continue ad infinitum.
Reynaldo Umali could debate ad infinitum on this issue and for sure it will have no final resolution.