How's that again? He showed it to me and I found it to be a stout, 3.5"-bladed "thruster" and cutter with a grippy handle.
How's that again? It's to protect your gun and ammo from the heavy sea spray kicked up by the bow of your open boat cutting through the waves to-and-from your little granite ledge.
How's that again? Might Kim really turn to Trump for some measure of support in order to escape the heavy hand of Chinese President Xi Jinping?
Gambling on summit
How's that again? She voted to let anyone--criminals, the mentally ill--buy guns at a tradeshow or over the Internet because the current system may not be working 100 percent of the time.
Senator Ayotte's broader betrayal: what really is at issue here is the role of money and lobbyist control in Washington
"Reading this, one could not help but imagine a chorus of voices saying, '
How's that again?' That the serials crisis is over is news to many, particularly librarians who are straining to meet the needs of their constituencies.
Blogbuzz: quotables from industry notables
Talking about her new novel she said: "When it comes to words I have a uniqueness that I find almost impossible in terms of art - and it's my words that actually make my art quite unique."
How's that again?GOBBLEDEGONGS; 142-word sentence wins Golden Bull award from Plain English campaign
How's that again? As it turns out, the difference between one in eight and one in nine represents only a moderate change.
Refiguring the odds: what's a woman's real chance of suffering breast cancer?
Assailing the Sandinistas for "granting temporary freedoms in order to placate world opinion,' Reagan said: "La Prensa and Radio Catolica have been allowed to reopen, but the other independent papers remain closed.'
How's that again? For years now, the entire symbolic value of La Prensa has rested on the notion that it is the country's only independent paper (leaving aside, for the moment, the fact that it receives funding from the National Endowment for Democracy).
The unfree press
How's that again? I think you called mindless followers lemmings, and it seems they struck again in the recent elections.
More gun bashing
How's that again? Aaron said they are essentially the same, but the Police is without a few minor things the military demanded having to do with slightly better light transmission and a few other things I got the impression he'd have to kill me if he told me.
Steiner Police binocs