1. slang Junk. A: "Want to come to the mountains with me this weekend?" B: "Can't. My mom is making me stay home and help clear out all the jonx in our attic."
2. slang By extension, one's genitals, especially a man's. I think I need to go to a doctor. There's something on my jonx that I'm pretty sure shouldn't be there.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
n. possessions; belongings. (A respelling of junks. Probably includes junk (sense 3).) I got to get my jonx. Then I’ll be right with you.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
- What number are you calling from?
- clear (someone or something) out of (some place)
- clear out of some place
- gee whiz
- junk heap
- bio mom
- (I) told you (so)
- I told you so
- bring (one) up on (something)