Reaching the coast of Egypt, Pompey was lured onto the beach by emissaries of the Egyptian monarch Ptolemy, who had decided to have Pompey murdered to
ingratiate himself with Caesar.
The rise of Caesarism: the weakened Roman Republic was crushed by Julius Caesar, a charismatic military leader who exploited his popularity with a Roman people who desired security above all else
The ancient Egyptian writer Ptahhotep, for example, offered a compendium of advice about how to
ingratiate yourself with the Pharaoh, including this memorable admonition: "Laugh after he laughs, and it will be very pleasing to his heart." That one has always worked well for me, I must say.
YOU'RE TOO KIND: A Brief History of Flattery
The thick-skinned among them tried to
ingratiate themselves to the new administration which replaced the unlamented martial law regime.
Fooling the Filipino people
According to sources, this decision may be a governmental bid to
ingratiate certain incumbent coalition partners, reports The Express Tribune.
Pak govt. offers Rehman Malik lifetime of perks
He has been known to
ingratiate himself with elderly or vulnerable people and stay at their homes.
Television appeal; NORTH TODAY CRIME
Young is merciless about his own hapless attempts to
ingratiate himself with celebs.
Pic to paint new shades of Graydon
But Clifford failed to
ingratiate himself with the players or staff at St Marys, and was left to work with the club's academy players.
Given the French people have blockaded sea ports and suchlike over what we would consider very trivial problems you can be sure that had their Government supported Tony Blair in his mad dash to
ingratiate himself with George Bush, then the entire French nation would have ground to a halt.
Letter: French lesson
With such cooperation, Syria was hoping to
ingratiate itself with Washington.
Making terrorists
So Conrad offered his talents in the cooking department and would peel and chop garlic for hours on end in order to
ingratiate himself with the fellas.
Clare McKeon column: Slice and dicey for Conrad
Nor are they enlightened or inspired by insults to both our country and its leadership tossed around in a sad attempt to
ingratiate the writer with his new Parisian acquaintances.
He'll always have Paris. (reader forum)
Well no, but she, Kate Vernon, starts to
ingratiate herself with the mum and the dead man's brother.
Saturday films
Annie Nathan Meyer's Black Souls (composed of six long scenes), set on the campus of a black college where the black president must
ingratiate himself to white patrons, resonates with the Tuskegee enterprise but departs from it as the daughter of the likeliest philanthropist, a white senator, pursues the president's black brother-in-law (they had previously met in France).
Strange Fruit Plays on Lynching by American Women
After the boy was reported missing, Vickers went on to
ingratiate himself with the boy's family, joining in the search for him and even pointing the finger of blame at Jamie's father, John.
Life for twisted driver who seduced and killed toddler
Even when her stories were rambling, stoned-seeming, rather familiar recountings of personal misadventures of the "then I got loaded, then I got lost, then I ran into so-and-so" variety, she had a remarkable ability to
ingratiate herself with the reader.
Ask Dr. Mueller