

see under not have.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • starters
  • call of duty
  • hold your
  • keep your . . .
  • light heart
  • ASAP
  • maid of all work
  • live and well
  • at one's
  • at someone's
References in classic literature
I haven't decided what country I will visit yet; it seems as if there were so many to choose from.
"I can't do it--I haven't got it!" Jurgis protested.
"Do you know that you haven't asked anything about your wife and children?
I haven't asked you to marry me, and if I do I won't come trying to buy you into consenting.
"You that have your own horses and cabs, or drive for good masters, have a chance of getting on and a chance of doing right; I haven't. We can't charge more than sixpence a mile after the first, within the four-mile radius.
We've always kept that `oath' of friendship we swore long ago, haven't we?"
"People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is.
I haven't flirted, Mother, truly, but remembered what you said to me, and have done my very best.
I haven't seen you for so long, and I want to talk to you."
"I haven't seen her," replied the Englishman, "since we were brought here.
"If I explained that," she answered, "I should be telling you everything I haven't quite made up my mind to do that yet."
"I know that you haven't met Miss Conyers because she has been asking about you.
"Very creditable; I haven't a word to say against it," Mr.
I haven't seen a prettier picture for some time than she made of herself this morning, up to the elbows in suds, singing like a blackbird whilst she scrubbed on the back stoop."
'Oh, I'm so glad--you haven't got any,' replied the Marchioness.