"The iconic
Horlicks brand has a deep heritage, credibility and resonance around the world.
Unilever to acquire GSK health food portfolio for 3.1 bn pound
GSK chief executive Emma Walmsley said: "
Horlicks has made a significant contribution to GSK and to the health of consumers across India for many decades and we believe Unilever is well placed to maximise its future potential.
Unilever's GSK buy-ups
While Cllr Bob Beauchamp said: "This has been a real
Horlicks. There is the retrospective element which is unforgivable almost, there is no consideration to the transportation problems.
Council waves through 'car crash' extension to city temple
Supporting the Government's Rashtriya Poshan Abhiyaan,
Horlicks Mission Poshan will focus on the first 1000 days of a child with the objective of addressing malnutrition, stunting and infant mortality.
GSK Consumer Healthcare launches Horlicks Mission Poshan with Amitabh Bachchan
Horlicks has been putting his feet up in the comfort of CAESSR foster carers Jane Robinson and Tony Pimblott's home and news has just come through that he will be going to a new permanent home found for him by the charity.
Elderly rescue dog thanks vet for helping charity which provides lifeline for spaniels; Horlicks paid a special visit to Richard Nolan of Tarvin
Diet fixer: Try a low-sugar alternative, such as
Horlicks Light, to avoid unconscious calories from hot drinks.
HEALTH MATTERS WHAT'S MAKING YOU fat? Piling on the pounds but not sure why, even though you think you're eating healthily? It's time to identify your diet disruptors, when certain situations tempt you into bad eating habits. Here are the most common dieting dilemmas
KARACHI -- Fifteenth
Horlicks Inter-School Scrabble Championship is all set to be held under the auspices of Pakistan Scrabble Association (PSA), here on Sunday (Feb 23).
Inter-School Scrabble Championship on Sunday
ON THE WEB See a video of
Horlicks in action by logging on to...
IIggaavvee RRoollootthhee kkiissssooff lliiffee......bbuutt iittwwaass ttoooollaattee ffoorrhheerr Rolo; FFAAMMOOUUSSPPEERRFFOORRMMIINNGG SSHHEEEEPP DDIIEESS
Summary: Muscat: Junior tennis players have entered the Muscat Pharmacy (
Horlicks & Pocari Sweat) sponsored Open ...
Nevil gets top billing
The ages of topers hardly matter: home consumption of booze rises yearly among women, and the geriatric males wheeled into A&Es across the nation haven't broken their limbs after overdosing on
Horlicks and Hobnobs.
Drink and be very merry
As millions of fans watched Andy's victory around the globe, Ellen trotted off to bed with a
OUR GREAT BIG COUSIN MAKING A Z; Grand Slam glee has twin sisters bouncing off ceiling
The Bahrain India Educational and Cultural Forum (BIECF)
Horlicks Quest 2010 is open to children aged 12 to 16 from schools across the country.
Trivia skills test for youngsters
Thirupathi Laddoo,
Horlicks Mysorepak, wheat halwa, dates halwa - these are a few of the names that may not roll off the tongue for those uninitiated to the delights of Indian festival cuisine ...
Sweets galore for festival of lights
IF you've been weeping into your
Horlicks ever since Wild at Heart and No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency left the screens, prepare yourself for another journey into the middle of Africa.
Adverts claiming that
Horlicks makes children "taller, stronger and sharper" and Nestle's Maggi Noodles strengthen muscles and bones have been banned after they mistakenly appeared on UK television.
Food ads with misleading claims banned after being mistakenly aired in UK