
gee up

1. dated To move onward or go faster. Used exclusively as an interjection, especially directed toward a horse. (In both usages, "gee" is pronounced "jee.") As the cowboys began mounting their horses, each one cried out, "Gee up!"
2. To encourage, excite, or provoke (someone) to perform at a higher level or achieve greater results. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "gee" and "up." Part of your job as a manager is geeing up your team to turn in the best results possible. If they're failing, it means you're failing. The coach tried to gee us up with an inspirational speech during halftime.
See also: gee, up

gee whiz

1. interjection An exclamation of any strong emotion, such as surprise, dismay, enthusiasm, exasperation, etc. Aw, gee whiz, Mom! Can't I stay out and play for one more hour? Gee whiz guys, wasn't that show great?
2. adjective Especially enthusiastic or impressed; youthfully or naïvely optimistic or exuberant. Often hyphenated. The film is sure to provoke some gee-whiz reactions from even the most cynical of spectators. A lot of people come into politics with some gee-whiz notions of changing the world.
3. adjective Showily or gaudily impressive; amazing or astounding. Often hyphenated. The film boasts a lot of gee-whiz effects but doesn't offer much else in the way of plot or character development.
See also: gee, whiz


A trinket, knick-knack, or bauble, typically one that is small and ornamental. I hope Aunt Louise doesn't give me another gewgaw for my birthday—I already have a shelf full of them!


slang A thousand dollars. I heard he spent nearly four grand on that huge new TV. She got caught with 60 grand worth of cocaine in her trunk.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

gee whiz

An expression of surprise, dismay, or enthusiasm. For example, Gee whiz, Dad, I thought you'd let me borrow the car, or Gee whiz, they finally won the Series! This term is thought to be a euphemism for "Jesus Christ." [Slang; 1870s]
See also: gee, whiz
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.


1. n. a portion of liquor, a gallon or a single drink. You want another gee of this booze?
2. exclam. Wow! (An abbreviation of Jesus!, although not always recognized as such. Usually Gee!) Golly gee, do I have to?
3. mod. gross; disgusting. (The initial letter of gross.) Tiffany is acting way gee lately.
4. Go to grand.


See geegaw


and G and gee and large
n. one thousand dollars. That car probably cost about twenty grand. You owe me three gees! He won three large on the slots!


See grand
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • gee up
  • gal
  • attagal
  • boom goes the dynamite
  • dynamite
  • ata
  • atta
  • attaboy
  • That-a-boy!
  • thatta
References in periodicals archive
After serving 12 years of his 18-year sentence, Gee returned to the Grizedale estate, in Everton, with nothing to show for himself.
He notes that during discussions held with members of the River Gee association, he explained the importance of reaching out to the county to explore and impact the people through development programs, among other things.
On the same day as that gun attack Gee took to the internet to release a short verse explaining: "To the people that care, I'm still alive."
In GEE analysis, the exchangeable working correlation structure assumed that the correlation between any pair of measurements on the same individual is the same.
GEE is building its content business based on its thorough understanding of customers' in-flight entertainment business," noted Amir Samnani, senior vice president of Content Services, GEE.
As shown in Table 1, long-term inhalation of GEE significantly reduced pH, Pa[O.sub.2], and Pa[O.sub.2]/Fi[O.sub.2], indicating that GEE impaired pulmonary function; GW9662 worsened pulmonary function but had no effect on pH.
"With Gee Lawson as our partner, we can reach all of the major diagnostics customers," said Stephan Hillers, Managing Director of Symrise BioActives GmbH in Hamburg.
Another local, called Abdul, added that the men had made comments to Gee and Trup before the attack and that the women had told them to "go away".
Gee hit back and managed to reduce the deficit to 12-7 after 14, but that was as close as it got.
Recorder Nicholas Cartwright told Gee there were clearly two sides to his character - a young man who was extremely kind, and someone prone to serious violence in public places.
But on April 1 this year, Gee, of Urswick Close, Middlesbrough, turned up at his ex-girlfriend's home.
RFT, Blauvelt, NY, has entered a distribution partnership with London-based Gee Lawson, distributor of nutritional ingredients to the health food supplement and food industries.
We told on Monday how Catherine Gee got a PS45,000-a-year post at taxpayerfunded anti-litter charity Keep Scotland Beautiful months after husband Derek Robertson became the PS70,000-a-year chief executive.
Security Service Federal Credit Union, Riverton, Utah, announced that its Security Service Investment Group has hired Elliott Gee as a sesenior financial consultant.
JD Sports Fashion has acquired menswear chain Cecil Gee in a pounds 1.7m deal with suit specialist Moss Bros.