For which reason others endeavour to procure other riches and other property, and rightly, for there are other riches and property in nature; and these are the proper objects of economy: while trade only procures money, not by all means, but by the exchange of it, and for that purpose it is this which it is chiefly employed about, for money is the first principle and the end of trade; nor are there any bounds to be set to what is thereby acquired.
The uses of every possession are two, both dependent upon the thing itself, but not in the same manner, the one supposing an inseparable connection with it, the other not; as a shoe, for instance, which may be either worn, or exchanged for something else, both these are the uses of the shoe; for he who exchanges a shoe with some man who wants one, for money or provisions, uses the shoe as a shoe, but not according to the original intention, for shoes were not at first made to be exchanged.
A Treatise on Government
That it is against nature for money to beget money; and the like.
For if you reduce usury to one low rate, it will ease the common borrower, but the merchant will be to seek for money. And it is to be noted, that the trade of merchandize, being the most lucrative, may bear usury at a good rate; other contracts not so.
The Essays
To get out of these difficulties, he could not apply to his mother
for money. Her last letter, which he had received the day before, had particularly exasperated him by the hints in it that she was quite ready to help him to succeed in the world and in the army, but not to lead a life which was a scandal to all good society.
Anna Karenina
Then he sold the fire-brew
for money, and all men bought.
The Strength of the Strong
Money buys love
for money. If happiness is the ability to have luxuries, then yes money will buy you happiness because money will buy the materialistic items.
Decision: Money Or Love!? Basics On UNO World Happiness Day And Human Lives
There is an ongoing mad-rush
for money, especially in Nigeria.
The wrong and right posture for money
for Money Cast to be a focus for prosperity, destiny, Fame, Success and Much More.
Money Spells
Treasury now requires life insurers to establish formal compliance programs to prevent their products from being used
for money laundering or terrorist financing.
On guard: new rules require life insurers to establish programs to prevent their products and services from being used for money laundering or terrorist financing
In the United Kingdom in the 1990s, barely 30 convictions
for money laundering were recorded each year, and in Germany just a handful annually.
Anti-money laundering overkill? It's time to ask how well the system is working
"There is a reason why commercial real estate transactions, which involve illiquid and most visible of assets, have not been a haven
for money launderers."
'Patriot act' could pose problems for RE industry
The trick
for money launderers--from dishonest businessmen to the drug kingpins--is to deposit currency into financial institutions without drawing attention.
Money laundering: ring around the white collar: how hide-and-seek becomes a game for auditors
Next time you see a film produced by the contemporary corporate progeny of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, be sure to read the Latin phrase above the roaring lion's head: ars gratia artis--translated as "art for art's sake." This enduring manifestation of Hollywood kitsch--what you can't understand must be classy--is all the more exotic in that MGM always made its films
for money's sake.
Art for Money's Sake
[5] Such transfers can distort the demand
for money on a macroeconomic level and produce an unhealthy volatility in international capital flows and exchange rates.
Money Laundering