GAT has committed funds from pension funds and other investors, through a bond programme, with proceeds of up to GHS2.0 billion to be used for equity investment in the eligible indigenous banks, as determined by the investors.
Gov't Ghs2b support not a bailout - MoF
Mean IOP was measured as 12.1[+ or -]2.2 mmHg with T P, 15.7[+ or -]2.5 mmHg with
GAT and 17.1[+ or -]3.1 mmHg with NCT.
Comparison of intraocular pressure measurements in healthy pediatric patients using three types of tonometers
Objective of this study was to compare the IOP measurements with
GAT and APT and to gauge the reliability of APT in IOP measurement.
GAT also machines parts for other industries, such as the metrology and medical sectors, and is attracting increasing numbers of customers from Western Europe.
Back on the map
* Many other factors influence the accuracy of
GAT; attempting to correct for CCT alone could produce a corrected IOP that is further from the true IOP.
Factors affecting tonometry measurement
For more information on the properties available at
Gat y Mynydd, contact the Persimmon marketing suite on 07841 737992 or see
Rich seam of housing on site of old Betws colliery
Gat traces military organizations and fighting tactics which are always closely allied with the current level of society, technology, and political organization.
Azar Gat. War in Human Civilization
Our proprietary Optimum
GAT trait combined with the Roundup Ready trait in elite Pioneer soybean genetics would be superior to any other product on the market--better yields and broader, more flexible weed control options," Borel added.
DuPont asserts anti-trust, patent claims against Monsanto
With Roy Assaf,
Gat performed Winter Voyage, set to songs from Schubert's Winterreise.
Emanuel Gat Dance
Roblex Aviation, which provides air cargo and passenger services around Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Caribbean, will be the first tenant to operate from Ivyport's General Aviation Terminal (
GAT) at Aguadilla's Borinquen Airport, said Roblex President Roberto Rodriguez, reports Caribbean Business (May 31, 2004).
Cargo services from Aguadilla
KHAR -- Two persons, including a Levies official, were wounded in a remote-controlled explosion in
Gat Agra area of Mamond tehsil of Bajaur Agency on Saturday, officials said.
Two injured in Bajaur bomb blast
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 2, 2017-Atlantic Street Capital acquires majority stake in
GAT Airline Ground Support
Atlantic Street Capital acquires majority stake in GAT Airline Ground Support
Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 24, 2016 --(
GAT Radio will celebrate pop-rock-alternative music 24/7.
GAT Europe Ltd. Launches New Online Radio Station: GAT Radio