Harmonize said the song was a way of appreciating the President for the good work he has done for Tanzania.
Harmonize praises Magufuli in new jam
He offered to form committee to identify interested areas of both side to
harmonize standards on home appliances should be work together in future for the area of standardization and certification.
PSQCA offers China to harmonise industrial standards
He offer to form Committee to identify interested areas of both side to
Harmonize Standards should be work together in future for the area of Standardization and certification.
PSQCA to play dimensional role of enhancing trade
After a long and a competitive tournament,
Harmonize Academy were crowned champions, pipping runners-up Newfield by a point.
DISABILITY SPORT; Harmonize Academy in sync as they capture the pre-season tournament
By 2023 it is planned to
harmonize the procedures of supervision and control in the financial market.
Uniform licensing and regulatory requirements in Eurasian Economic Union to take effect in 2020
Earlier this year, the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario announced their intent to
harmonize these two taxes effective July 1, 2010.
TEI weighs in on harmonization issues: Ontario transitional issues primary focus of comments
In an effort to
harmonize microbiological test methods between the major compendia, the United States (USP), European (EP) and Japanese (JP) Pharmacopoeias have agreed on new methods for microbial enumeration tests and tests for specified microorganisms.
Lancaster labs assists global harmonization compliance
Published statements by the federal government in response to the study deny there are any plans to
harmonize the chemical regulatory process with the U.S.
Harmonizing chemical regulations--business-friendly?
The announcement results from the European Commission's decision to
harmonize the summary of product characteristics (SPC) for Prograf across all EU member countries.
Astellas Pharma's Immunosuppressant Prograf Now Available in Europe
When designing a workplace, the company should aim to theme the experience,
harmonize impressions with positive cues, eliminate negative cues, and mix in memorabilia.
Does your office work for you? Transforming your workplace into a profit center
The commission "establishes guidelines to
harmonize trade in food," explains one European account of the recent decision.
Globalist threat to vitamins: bureaucrats attached to the United Nations are seeking to deprive millions worldwide of access to nutritional supplements
Finnish stock exchange Helsinki Exchanges (HEX), operated by the Finnish-Swedish stock exchange operator and transaction technology provider OMHEX AB, said on Friday (26 March) that it would
harmonize its trading hours with the Swedish stock exchange Stockholmsborsen, also operated by OMHEX.
HEX and Stockholmsborsen to harmonise trading hours
In sum, changing patterns of trade and of exchange rate and monetary policy have converged to
harmonize business cycles across the world, but the United States seems to affect other countries' business cycles more than they affect ours.
The view from the front of the train: some unique thoughts on how the U.S. economy affects the world--and vice versa. (Capitalism)
Seen from a distance across the fields and fruit trees, its pitched roofs and white walls
harmonize with the traditional rural buildings.
Secondary form: honed to respond to intense Catalonian light and to a rural landscape, this school fosters the development of individuals into being adult members of a community
In this issue of New Life Journal, you'll discover your dosha, deepen your life with Sadhana practice and meditation, give your partner a Thai massage,
harmonize your diet, and discover the benefits of panchakarma.
From the editor