any luck

any luck

1. Any success. Typically used in negative constructions. We looked for it at every toy store in the area, but I'm afraid we didn't have any luck. A: "Did you have any luck contacting your father?" B: "Nope, the line was busy."
2. A question used to ask if someone or something was successful. The phrase can be used as a complete question, or it can precede further information. A: "Any luck contacting your father?" B: "Nope, the line was busy." You talked to your boss about a raise today, right? Any luck?
See also: any, luck
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

any ˈluck?

(spoken) used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something: ‘Any luck?’ ‘No, they’re all too busy to help.’
See also: any
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • any luck?
  • take it with (one) (when one goes)
  • take it with one
  • any old how
  • any old time
  • any old place
  • any old thing, time, place, etc.
  • be in two places at once
  • anytime soon
  • have it both ways
References in periodicals archive
Implicit in Frank's argument, as his use of the phrase "the myth of meritocracy" in his book's subtitle suggests, is that defenders of the status quo believe that those who have achieved great wealth have done so because of some large degree of merit and not because of any luck. What Frank ignores is that not all defenders of market-based determinations of income have argued that these determinations are or should be tied to merit.
In a Capital One Cup catastrophe against Manchester City the Everton manager moaned: "We didn't have any luck with the big calls."
When any two anglers meet - be they friends or strangers - the opening gambit is always: Any luck? What then follows is a lengthy tale of either good or bad luck.