hardly earth-shattering

hardly earth-shattering

Not surprising. Greg has been staying late at the office regularly for months, so it's hardly earth-shattering news that he was chosen for the big promotion.
See also: hardly
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • it's a wonder that
  • it's a wonder
  • Have I got (something) for you!
  • Have I got for you!
  • have I got news for you
  • stray round
  • Are you ready for this?
  • (Are you) ready for this?
  • (that's) a hell of a note
  • hell of a note
References in periodicals archive
Britts's main conclusion--that the neglect of naval aviation during the interwar years resulted in a Royal Navy that was uncompetitive when matched against the combat-seasoned and well-drilled multicarrier task force fielded by Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo--is hardly earth-shattering. Nor indeed are his explanations for this lapse: the obsolescence of both platforms and thinking in the Royal Navy; and the almost criminal squandering of a comprehensive early lead in naval aviation, a degradation brought about by parochial infighting within Whitehall, set against the chronic underfunding of the navy in particular.
For more call 09036582028 75p/min + network access charge virgo Aug 23-Sep 22 WHAT is discussed in private is hardly earth-shattering, because you already had proof something shady was going on.
And his previous proclamations were hardly earth-shattering, coming straight out of the 'what you'd expect a football investor to say' handbook.
Ukip MEP Jonathan Arnott says it is hardly earth-shattering for a pro-EU think-tank to draw such a conclusion, which is a fair point.
It's hardly earth-shattering stuff as Shirley Cramer, chief executive of the Royal Society for Public Health admits "unhealthy businesses exist in places which already experience high levels of deprivation and premature mortality."
While the deal is hardly earth-shattering in monetary terms, it will be well received by the government and it also means it is at least out of the way so both sides can concentrate on weightier matters of levy extension, modernisation and reform.
A mid-table finish in the Football League's basement section was hardly earth-shattering stuff, but two good Cup runs and the arrival of Paul Wimbleton, Nicky Platnauer and Kevin Bartlett, who became key men in the following season's promotion team, hinted at better things to come.
Only here does an actual point to the exercise emerge - though it's hardly earth-shattering. And still, Evans can't resist veering into clumsy hyperbole - "His early death was his genetic destiny." Not recommended.
When one of the 6,000 telegrams that arrives in the Foreign Office every day contains the news that the heir to the Austrian throne has been assassinated in Sarajevo, it seems interesting but hardly earth-shattering - not worth bothering ng the Foreign Secretary with immediately.
Strauss has some sensible, if hardly earth-shattering, advice for the occasionally hot-headed Broad - to avoid losing his cool, and just keep plugging away.
Hardly earth-shattering, but it might have been neat enough were the wall actually wall-size, rather than the timid panel it is.
The headlines aside, most of the information so far revealed from the 250,000 documents is hardly earth-shattering, even if it often runs starkly counter to the official narrative of the US as the benevolent global policeman, trying to maintain order amid an often unruly rabble of underlings.
But, let's be honest, that's hardly earth-shattering.
Given that manyWelsh folk need no excuse to wear a giant daffodil on their heads this was hardly earth-shattering news in this part of the world.
When the other shoe finally drops and Nadine susses out the secret to Sophinisba's seemingly cost-free new regime, the revelation is hardly earth-shattering. It certainly doesn't cause us to rethink all that came before, any more than it shines a clarifying new light on our own fraught cultural moment.