
Related to cloud: Cloud formation, Microsoft Cloud
  • a cloud hangs over (someone or something)
  • a cloud hangs over somebody/something
  • a cloud on the horizon
  • be in cloud-cuckoo land
  • be on cloud nine
  • Cloud Cuckoo Land
  • cloud nine
  • cloud of suspicion
  • cloud on the horizon
  • cloud over
  • cloud the issue
  • cloud up
  • cloud-cuckoo land
  • coming up a cloud
  • dark cloud on the horizon
  • every cloud has a silver lining
  • every dark cloud has a silver lining
  • every silver lining has a cloud
  • gathering clouds
  • get your head out of the clouds
  • Get your head out of the clouds!
  • have (one's) head in the clouds
  • have head in the clouds
  • have your head in the clouds
  • head in the clouds
  • head in the clouds, have one's
  • head in the clouds, to have one's
  • in the clouds
  • live in cloud-cuckoo land
  • on a cloud
  • on cloud nine
  • on cloud nine, to be sitting
  • silver lining
  • storm clouds
  • the cloud
  • there are clouds on the horizon
  • under a cloud
  • under a cloud (of suspicion)
  • under a cloud, to be
  • with (one's) head in the clouds
  • with your head in the clouds
References in classic literature
Within my breast no sorrows can abide; I feel the great world's spirit through me thrill, And as a cloud I drift before the wind, Or with the random swallow take my will.
Clouds upon clouds of dust enveloping The lofty gates of the proud capital.
The bird rose up in the air in its agony and vanished into the clouds, and the youth fell on to the broad branches of the apple-tree.
"Perhaps the storm won't burst to-night," said Joe; "the clouds are very high."
He found the cold, grey cloud wilderness rising towards him with a wide, slow steadiness.
Immediately after quitting it, we were enveloped in clouds of snow.
He breathes his rage in terrific squalls, and overwhelms his realm with an inexhaustible welter of clouds. He strews the seeds of anxiety upon the decks of scudding ships, makes the foam-stripped ocean look old, and sprinkles with gray hairs the heads of ship-masters in the homeward-bound ships running for the Channel.
These mediators and mixers we detest--the passing clouds: those half-and- half ones, that have neither learned to bless nor to curse from the heart.
Carried along a few hundred feet above the ground she was better able to appreciate the Titanic proportions of the storm than when she had flown in the comparative serenity of the zone above the clouds, for now she could distinctly see the effect of the wind upon the surface of Barsoom.
In the open space between the clouds and the black, bubbling sea far beneath, could be seen an occasional strange bird winging its way swiftly through the air.
As soon as the sun appeared in a clear strip of sky beneath the clouds, the wind fell, as if it dared not spoil the beauty of the summer morning after the storm; drops still continued to fall, but vertically now, and all was still.
A terrific east wind swept away the groups of clouds which had been so long gathering, and at night the semi-disc of the orb of night rode majestically amid the soft constellations of the sky.
We must have covered a great many thousand square miles of territory, and yet we had seen nothing in the way of a familiar landmark, when from the heights of a mountain-range we were crossing I descried far in the distance great masses of billowing clouds.
"I will give you," she said, "all the riches of the Red Sea." "I will teach you to fly then," said the Eagle; and taking her up in his talons he carried her almost to the clouds suddenly he let her go, and she fell on a lofty mountain, dashing her shell to pieces.
The foremost clouds, lowering and black as soot-laden smoke, rushed with extraordinary swiftness over the sky.