It is estimated that over 7 million tons of water evaporate
from the Dead Sea every day.
The dead sea and giving..!
NEW YORK -- Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd., a manufacturer of skin care and body and bath products made with minerals and raw materials extracted
from the Dead Sea, recently launched new bath salts in three fragrance collections--Relaxing Lavender, Invigorating Coconut and Soothing Aloe Vera.
Ahava's Secret: Dead Sea Minerals
All relevant articles cited in Medline were reviewed, including studies on minerals and mud
from the Dead Sea.
Beauty is not only skin deep: the Dead Sea features and cosmetics
The lessons
from the Dead are an important tool for content companies to understand the new marketing environment in language and examples that are familiar to all.
Grateful dead content lessons
To quote Houarner, or Dead Cat, "Remember, Dead Cat came back
from the dead for you!
Dead Cat's Traveling Circus of Wonders and Miracle Medicine Show
In all of the gospels Jesus rises from the dead on the Sunday after Passover.
Calculating backwards to the time of Christ with our current solar calendar, most scholars agree that Jesus died on Friday, April 7 and hence rose from the dead on Sunday, April 9.
Why is Easter a "floating" holiday?
The Convent women seek the living, and the women of Ruby seek what they need
from the dead. And what each seeks, the other unknowingly possesses: Mavis, Gigi, Seneca, and Pallas seek life (or its illusions), and Soane, Arnette, Sweetie, and Billie Delia seek death (or its possibilities).
"Passing on" death: stealing life in Toni Morrison's Paradise
The new collection contains natural minerals and salts 'harvested'
from the Dead Sea to treat, purify and moisturise your skin in a unique and natural way.
Bring your skin back to life
Then researchers would have to devise a way to extract the genes
from the dead elephant, then to insert them into a live elephant's embryo, or fertilized egg.
Impossible Elephants
Our creed tells us quite explicitly that Christ rose
from the dead and further affirms its conviction that there is a resurrection of the body.
How do we rise from the dead?
In the parable of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus, two men who had been separated in life--by the indifference of the first and the desperate poverty of the second--die and are dispatched to their very different "rewards." From his torment in Hades the ghost of the rich man cries out to Abraham, begging that someone be sent back
from the dead to warn his wealthy brothers about the fate awaiting greedy souls.
Someone to watch over me
These explanations are probably true to some extent, but for Christians, who believe in Jesus of Nazareth, risen
from the dead, there is a deeper and more satisfying explanation for this strange gladness: the Day of the Dead is a family reunion, a family fiesta.
Death takes a holiday
Toward the end of his famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy, Prince Hamlet expresses his "dread of something after death/ the undiscovered country, from whose bourn/no traveller returns." That sentence has always struck me as odd, precisely because earlier in the play a traveller did return from the country of the dead--the play, after all, begins with the ghost of the elder Hamlet coming back
from the dead to tell Hamlet of the unhappy circumstances of his death and demanding that his son right the wrongs done to him.
How Catholics keep alive their connection with the dead
One thing we're finding,
from the Dead Sea Scrolls and from other ancient texts that have been found, is that they explain many of the terms that Jesus used, such as the "end of time" and "Son of Man." Almost every major term Jesus uses, he never defined.
Biblical archaeology: good grounds for faith