from head to heels

from head to heels

Encompassing one's entire body; from top to bottom. Typically refers to how one is dressed and groomed. This is a fancy event, so you need to look good from head to heels. Schedule a haircut and shine your shoes.
See also: head, heel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • from head to foot
  • from head to foot/toe
  • from head to toe
  • from tip to toe
  • head to toe
  • from top to toe
  • (from) top to toe
  • head-to-toe
  • head-to-foot
  • spiff
References in classic literature
He followed the Himalaya-Thibet road, the little ten-foot track that is blasted out of solid rock, or strutted out on timbers over gulfs a thousand feet deep; that dips into warm, wet, shut-in valleys, and climbs out across bare, grassy hill-shoulders where the sun strikes like a burning-glass; or turns through dripping, dark forests where the tree-ferns dress the trunks from head to heel, and the pheasant calls to his mate.
For one mile in width and two thousand feet in sheer depth the mountain-side had come away bodily, planed clean from head to heel.
Now Tom shivered from head to heel; for his eye fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe.
He was in old-time iron armor from head to heel, with a helmet on his head the shape of a nail-keg with slits in it; and he had a shield, and a sword, and a pro- digious spear; and his horse had armor on, too, and a steel horn projecting from his forehead, and gorgeous red and green silk trappings that hung down all around him like a bedquilt, nearly to the ground.
I had been vaguely conscious, for a while, of a person who was walking in the street abreast of us; I had glanced furtively at him once or twice, and noticed that he was a fine, large, vigorous young fellow, with an open, independent countenance, faintly shaded with a pale and even almost imperceptible crop of early down, and that he was clothed from head to heel in cool and enviable snow-white linen.
He fell into Deesa's arms trumpeting with joy, and the man and beast wept and slobbered over each other, and handled each other from head to heel to see that no harm had befallen
She gave a quick sidewise glance that embraced him from head to heel, including seat and saddle, and said:--
"Whether a golfer, tennis player, or dancer," she says, "once you use improper technique, you can compromise the joint integrity." For optimal alignment, she aims for a plumb line from head to heels, the arms and legs releasing away from the center, and the torso lengthening and widening as you move.