blast to smithereens
blast to smithereens
To explode or otherwise destroy something into tiny, fragmentary pieces. Smithereens, first appearing in 1829 as "smiddereens," is likely derived from the Irish word "smidirín" or "smidiríní," meaning fragment. The demolition crew came in and blasted the house to smithereens. The small band of rebels didn't stand a chance; they were blasted to smithereens as soon as the loyalists had them in sight.
See also: blast, smithereens
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- smash (something) to smithereens
- smithereens
- be blasted to smithereens
- be blown to smithereens
- blasted
- be smashed to smithereens
- smashed
- blow (someone or something) to pieces
- blow (someone or something) to bits
- smithereen