end to end

end to end

1. Placed in a row, such that the ends of each item are touching. If you laid out all her books end to end, I bet you they would stretch all the way down the street!
2. From the very beginning to the very end of something. The skilled player ran the ball end to end down the field. That film was excellent end to end!
See also: end
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

end to end

1. In a row with the ends touching. For example, The logs were laid end to end. [Mid-1800s]
2. from end to end. Throughout the length of something, as in We hiked the Appalachian Trail from end to end. [First half of 1600s]
See also: end
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

end to end

COMMON If things are end to end, they are in a row with their ends touching each other. The ship's deck was large enough to fit three football fields end to end. Placed end to end this is enough cans to go round the world more than 6 times.
See also: end
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.

ˌend to ˈend

in a line, with the ends touching: They arranged the tables end to end.
See also: end
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • sign off
  • light at the end of the tunnel
  • Who's calling?
  • anticipointment
  • get the short end
  • stick it out
  • make an end of (something)
  • cash up
  • draw to a close
  • stick it to the end
References in periodicals archive
Along with the messages, calls are also encrypted end to end. This encryption scheme has been developed in collaboration with Open Whisper Systems and more details can be found here .
This will provide us a system for managing transportation end to end, a capability that we have never had in a single system.
"Companies need a way to automate the end to end process and support all the people involved -- not just individual system components.
The most unreliable part of the link is the air link, so flash-OFDM has link protocols built into the MAC that offer a very reliable link layer to the IP traffic, along with proprietary error-control mechanisms that are not end to end.
Through RFID deployment, DoD is laying a foundation that allows military logisticians to see an exciting capability--Web-centric logistical control--riding on new applications able to see and manage end to end not just the enterprise-centric silos managed by legacy approaches today, but factory to foxhole, delivering the right item to the right place at the right time, even in the face of rapidly evolving conditions in the battlespace.
End to end management is performed separately for ATM, IP, and SONET and is primarily performed on a node-by-node basis.
Yet as the old cliche goes, "the devil is in the details." In practice, making everything work with everything else, end to end, is still something of a challenge.