
frig off

A euphemistic substitution for "fuck off."
1. rude slang To go away. Frig off, will you? I don't want to hear any more of your ridiculous conspiracy theories. I could tell the lecture was going to be pointless, so I frigged off and went to find someone to hang out with.
2. vulgar slang To masturbate (oneself or another person). A noun or pronoun can be used between "frig" and "off." I was frigging off when my roommate walked in on me. Talk about mortifying.
See also: frig, off

frig up

rude slang A euphemistic substitution for "fuck up."
1. verb To ruin or damage something; to mess up something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "frig" and "up." The threat of a hurricane really frigged up our vacation plans! Boy, you really frigged this engine up. When was the last time you got your oil changed? I frigged up my knee in practice last night, so I won't be able to play on Saturday.
2. verb To cause someone significant injury by physically attacking them, as with punches and other blows. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "frig" and "up." The captain of the football team said he'd frig me up if he caught me talking to his girlfriend again.
3. verb To make a mistake; to mess up. I think I frigged up by putting the casserole in the oven too soon. You frigged up, Dave. Just admit it, and we can all move on.
4. verb To fail or malfunction. The printer frigged up last night, so I still haven't been able to print my report.
5. noun A mistake or blunder. In this usage, the phrase is usually hyphenated. It was one little frig-up, and I got kicked out of school. It's so unfair. This is not just a frig-up, Brad—this could ruin your whole life!
See also: frig, up


rude slang An intensifier used as a milder alternative to "fucking." "Friggin'" is also commonly used. Why are you so frigging late? You'd better have a good excuse. Geez, it's so friggin' cold in here!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. mod. damnable. (A euphemism for fucking.) Who made this frigging mess?
2. mod. damnably. What a frigging stupid thing to do!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • (I've) got to take off
  • be off with you
  • be well off for (something)
  • be well off for something
  • be off for (something)
  • be off for sth
  • be off (one's) chump
  • (Now) where was I?
  • bug off
  • Bug off!
References in periodicals archive
In the late 70s, early 80s, I wasa frigging maniac on a golf course and it really hurt my game.
"Yeah, well hidden behind 17 frigging varieties of hops!" said Greg Zannella.
Giggling as she led the fans in a chant of "Come on, let's be havin' you", she said: "We haven't gotta go in the frigging play-offs next year!"
Giggling as she led the fans in a chant of "Come on, let's be havin' you", she said: "We haven't gotta go in the frigging play-offs next year!" The TV chef, a majority shareholder in the club, also mistakenly called for supporters to toast "staying up" rather than promotion.
But cast member Jenny Slate stole the show when she slipped and said "f**king" instead of "frigging" live on air.
Despite being warned not to, the American singer repeated the word "frigging" three times within a minute in an interviewed with RI:SE presenter Liz Bonin.
Recreating a character from his latest movie, he said: "The cause of that frigging - cut - you can bleep me there."